Emilien Renou

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Émilien Jean Renou (born March 8, 1815 in Vendôme (Loir-et-Cher) , † April 6, 1902 in Parc Saint-Maur ) was a French meteorologist and director of the Parc Saint-Maur observatory .


He attended school in Vendôme. In 1835 he went to the Ecole Polytechnique and studied under Elie de Beaumont . During his stays in Göttingen he also attended the lectures of Carl Friedrich Gauß .

From 1839 to 1842 he was employed by the Scientific Commission of Algeria and published several works on the French colony there. In 1846 he was tasked with collecting all available information about Morocco , which resulted in an important work Description géographique de l'empire de Maroc .


Around 1850 he decided to devote himself primarily to meteorology and founded in 1852 with Charles Joseph Sainte-Claire Deville (1814–1876) the Société Météorologique de France, whose secretary he was for a total of eleven years. He held the year-long office of president four times. In 1855 he introduced the categories Altocumulus and Altostratus into the cloud classification according to Luke Howard . From 1872 until his death he was director of the Parc Saint-Maur, from where meteorological studies were carried out, particularly those concerned with the climate of Paris. In his work on the climate of Paris, he diagnosed, among other things, the UHI (urban heat island).

He became a knight in 1847 and an officer of the Legion of Honor in 1884 , an officer of the Academy (1873) and Officier de l'Instruction Publique (1891). He also became an honorary member of the Royal Meteorological Society in London in 1875.

Works (selection)

  • Description geographique de l'empire de Maroc (Paris 1846) (from screen 15)
  • List of ouvrages, cartes, plans, vues et dessins relatifs à l'empire du Maroc (Paris 1846)
  • Atlas de l'Algérie d'aprés les travaux de MM. Renou, Carette et Warnier (1848)
  • Géologie de l'Algérie (1848)
  • Instructions météorologiques et tables usuelles (1856)
  • Note sur le tremblement de terre du 16 juillet 1864 (1864) in: Bulletin de la Société archéologique, scientifique et littéraire du Vendômois, p. 229.
  • Hauteurs de pluie à Vendôme pendant 35 ans (1886) in: Bulletin de la Société archéologique, scientifique et littéraire du Vendômois, pp. 165-168.

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