Austrian Film Institute

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The Austrian Film Institute (ÖFI) is Austria's largest film funding organization. It promotes cinema as a cultural asset and the Austrian film industry and thus contributes to strengthening the Austrian film industry and the creative and artistic quality of Austrian film. The film institute is a legal entity under public law and has its seat in Vienna. The financial year is the calendar year. Roland Teichmann has been the director of the film institute since May 2004.


The Austrian Film Funding Fund was founded in 1981, based on the Federal Act of November 25, 1980 on the Funding of Austrian Films (Film Funding Act). The last changes in the Film Funding Act date from 2014.


The tasks are:

  • to support the production, distribution and marketing of Austrian films that are suitable for achieving both appropriate audience acceptance and international recognition and thereby increasing the profitability, quality, independence and cultural identity of Austrian filmmaking,
  • to support the cultural, macroeconomic and international interests of Austrian filmmaking, in particular through measures to promote young talent and through the preparation of an annual film industry report,
  • to improve the international orientation of Austrian filmmaking and thus the foundations for the distribution and market-driven exploitation of Austrian films at home and its economic and cultural impact abroad, in particular by promoting the presentation of Austrian films at home and abroad,
  • to support Austrian-foreign co-productions,
  • to support the cooperation between the film industry and television broadcasters to strengthen Austrian cinema,
  • to work towards coordination of federal and state film funding (regional funding).

Funding basis

The annual budget has been 20 million euros since 2013.

Funding system

The funding system consists of selective project-related film funding - with the eligibility of a film project being assessed by the project committee - and automatic success-based film funding ( reference film funding ; the success of the reference film has been measured according to artistic and / or economic criteria since 1987).

A project committee makes the decisions regarding project funding. It consists of the director of the film institute as chairman and four knowledgeable members from the areas of script, directing, production and exploitation.

Funding objects

Funding objects are

  • the development of matter;
  • the project development
  • Production: Austrian films and international co-productions with Austrian participation produced under the responsibility of Austrian film producers;
  • Exploitation (cinema release and film festival participation)
  • Professional further education of persons working artistically, technically or commercially in the film industry or their interest groups

Eligibility requirements

Eligibility requirements for applicants are Austrian citizenship and domicile in Germany, whereby citizens of contracting parties to the Agreement on TFEU and the European Economic Area are equal to Austrian citizens. If the funding applicant is a legal entity or a partnership under commercial law, it must have its registered office in Germany, or, if its registered office is in another signatory to the Agreement on the European Economic Area , a branch or permanent establishment in Germany and the Bear responsibility for the implementation of the film project.

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