Öwezgeldi Ataýew

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Öwezgeldi Ataýew ( Russian Овезгельды Атаев / Owesgeldy Atajew ; * 1951 ) is a Turkmen politician and was President of his country's parliament until December 2006.

As a politician

After the death of President Saparmyrat Nyýazow on December 21, 2006 , the constitution according to Ataýew should have taken over the official business on a provisional basis. The Security Council, however, appointed Vice Prime Minister Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow as interim president. The country's Security Council rejected Ataýew's candidacy because the public prosecutor's office was investigating him. The Russian daily Kommersant reported the following day that he was arrested after Niyazov's death. Ataýew was dismissed from the post of President of Parliament on December 22nd by Berdimuhamedow. His successor as President of Parliament was Akja Täjiýewna Nurberdiýewa .

According to some Turkmen politicians, the reprisals against Ataýew ordered by Berdimuhamedov were related to the Turkmen president's intention to punish his main opponent for wanting to hold democratic elections in Turkmenistan and to guarantee citizens constitutional freedoms.

On March 16, 2012, Turkmenistan's Deputy Foreign Minister Wepa Hajyýew alleged at a hearing in the UN Human Rights Committee that Ataýew had been released from custody. But Ataýew's relatives denied this report. According to them, Ataýew, like the other opposition leaders such as Boris Orazowiç Şyhmyradow, is no longer alive .


  1. Archive link ( Memento from February 16, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Стоматолог-покровитель. In: Rbc.ru. January 31, 2013, accessed July 1, 2019 (Russian).
  3. Таинственное освобождение туркменского политзаключенного Атаева. In: Deutsche Welle. March 22, 2012, Retrieved July 1, 2019 (Russian).
  4. Екатерина Скобицкая: Властные эмигранты: судьба политических лидеров, бежавших зиа рубеж от рев. February 24, 2014, accessed July 1, 2019 (Russian).