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Heads of State · Nekrolog · Music Year

James II shortly before the Glorious Revolution
In England the Glorious Revolution of Parliament against King James II begins .
Wilhelm Landing in Brixham Harbor
William III. of Orange lands at Brixham with the Dutch army .
Belgrade in the 16th century
In the Great Turkish War , the imperial army conquered Belgrade .
1688 in other calendars
Armenian calendar 1136/37 (turn of the year July)
Ethiopian calendar 1680/81 (turn of the year 10/11 September)
Bengali solar calendar 1093/94 (beginning of April 14th or 15th)
Buddhist calendar 2231/32 (southern Buddhism); 2230/31 (alternative calculation according to Buddhas Parinirvana )
Chinese calendar 73rd (74th) cycle

Year of the Earth Dragon龙 辰 ( at the beginning of the year Fire Rabbit 丁卯)

Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) 1050/51 (turn of the year April)
Dangun era (Korea) 4021/22 (October 2/3)
Iranian calendar 1066/67
Islamic calendar 1099/1100 (turn of the year 25/26 October)
Jewish calendar 5448/49 (September 24/25)
Coptic calendar 1404/05 (September 10/11)
Malayalam calendar 863/864
Seleucid era Babylon: 1998/99 (turn of the year April)

Syria: 1999/2000 (turn of the year October)

Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) 1744/45 (turn of the year April)


Politics and world events


Wax portrait of Elector Friedrich III.
  • May 9 : Friedrich Wilhelm , the Great Elector, dies. A week after his death, the Secret Council meets for the first time, chaired by his son Friedrich III. Although Friedrich Wilhelm ordered the division of Brandenburg-Prussia between his five sons, in violation of the Hohenzollern house laws that had been in force since 1473 , the heir to the throne succeeds after lengthy negotiations and detailed legal opinions with the support of his teacher and minister Eberhard von Danckelman, against his siblings enforce and preserve the unity of the country.

Great Turkish War

Cologne diocese dispute and War of the Palatinate Succession

Joseph Clemens of Bavaria

Glorious Revolution in England

North America


  • July 11th : Narai , king of the Siamese kingdom of Ayutthaya , dies without leaving a legitimate descendant. This clears the way for Phetracha, who belongs to the anti-French faction at court . He marries the daughter of the late monarch to legitimize his rule and usurps the throne. One of his first acts is the expulsion of all French from the Thai kingdom .


science and technology


Historical maps and views

City view of Berlin from the southwest by Johann Bernhard Schultz 1688
Berlin around 1688 (drawing from 1835)


First half of the year

Pierre Carlet de Marivaux

Second half of the year

Friedrich Wilhelm around 1701 (portrait of Samuel Theodor Gericke)
Child portrait of Maria Luisa

Exact date of birth unknown


First half of the year

Elector Friedrich Wilhelm of Brandenburg, around 1652
Archbishop Maximilian Heinrich of Bavaria, contemporary engraving

Second half of the year

Henry Morgan


Web links

Commons : 1688  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files