20 years later

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20 years later ( Vingt ans après ) is a Franco-Belgian comic published in 1997 by Jean Van Hamme and Dany .


Jean Van Hamme wanted to realize a sequel twenty years after the album release of Abenteuer ohne Helden . Dany , who had already drawn adventures without heroes , drew in a realistic style again after years with this single volume. The French edition was published in 1997 as a 59-page album by Le Lombard. Kult Edionen published a German edition in 1998.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Interview with Dany on bdparadisio.com (French) , accessed on January 7, 2013
  2. ^ Vingt ans après on bedetheque.com (French) , accessed on January 7, 2013
  3. 20 years later at Kult Editions on comicguide.de , accessed on November 21, 2012