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Country KazakhstanKazakhstan Kazakhstan
Seat Almaty , Kazakhstan
legal form Corporation
founding June 1995
Business data 2018
Total assets 1475 billion tenge (2018)
Employee approx. 2,400 (2018)
Board Sergei Kowalenko ( chairman )
Supervisory board Ghalymschan Jessenow
( Chairman )

The ATFBank ( Russian АТФБанк ) is a Kazakh bank based in Almaty . It has several subsidiaries, including banks in Russia and Kyrgyzstan .

Corporate activities

ATFBank achieved total assets of 1,475 billion tenge in 2018 . It employs around 2,400 people in 260 business outlets.

ATFBank includes the investment company ATF Finance, ATF Inkassatzia and the Open Accumulating Pension Fund Otan. The company also owns AFT Capital BV, based in the Netherlands, as well as Bank Sibir in Russia and, since 2004, ATFBank-Kyrgyzstan in Kyrgyzstan.


Today's ATFBank was founded in June 1995 under the name Almatinsky Torgovo-Finansovy Bank. In November 1996 the payment systems of the Japan Credit Bureau , the VISA International Service Association , American Express and Eurocard or Mastercard could already be offered. Two years later, KfW Bankengruppe made ATFBank a partner bank for financial matters between Germany and Kazakhstan. In April 2001 the legal form was changed to a stock corporation .

In September 2001 the bank received a syndicated loan from the Austrian Raiffeisen Zentralbank and Deutsche Bank . In June of the following year, the name was changed to ATFBank and in 2003 the Dutch ABN AMRO granted the bank a loan of US $ 62.25 million .

In mid-2007 ATFBank was taken over by the Italian UniCredit Group for EUR 1.625 billion. Bank Austria, which is responsible for Eastern Europe, then became the main shareholder of ATFBank.

At the beginning of 2013, Bank Austria sold ATFBank, after having had to write off around two billion since the takeover in 2007, to the KazNitrogenGaz company owned by the Kazakh businessman Galimzhan Yessenov.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the BIC directory at SWIFT
  2. ATFBank: Консолидированная финансовая отчетность за год, закончившийся 31 декабря 2018 года. (PDF) Retrieved August 3, 2020 .
  3. AFTBank: Subsidiary and affiliated companies . Retrieved November 15, 2010.
  4. Börsen-Zeitung: Unicredit strikes in Kazakhstan
  5. Salzburger Nachrichten: Bank Austria sinks two billion in Kazakhstan ( Memento from March 13, 2016 in the Internet Archive ). Retrieved March 19, 2013.