Abbondio Sangiorgio

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Abbondio Sangiorgio (born July 16, 1798 in Milan ; † November 2, 1879 ibid) was an Italian classicist sculptor .


Six teams on the Arco della Pace

Sangiorgio studied at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera  with Camillo Pacetti and won the academy's gold medal for two bas-reliefs when he was not even twenty. In 1825 he received the order for the six-horse carriage for the Arco della Pace , on which he worked for six years and which earned him a lot of praise. He subsequently received numerous commissions for sculptures in public places as well as portrait busts, which he executed in bronze or marble in the classicist tradition.

In 1848 he fought in the Five Days of Milan .

Sangiorgio was a member of the Accademia di San Luca  in Rome and the Imperial and Royal Academy of Fine Arts  in Vienna. His students include Giovanni Emanueli , Pietro Magni , Odoardo Tabacchi and Francesco Barzaghi .


Equestrian statue of Pollux in front of the royal palace in Turin


Web links

Commons : Abbondio Sangiorgio  - collection of images, videos and audio files