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Adalwin († May 14, 873 ) was Archbishop of Salzburg and Abbot of St. Peter's Monastery .


Adalwin received his training in Salzburg. He is said to have been very encouraged by his predecessor Liupram and expressly recommended as a successor to the emperor. He was appointed archbishop in 859. From Ludwig the German he received 860 donations from Königsgut ( curtes ) or confirmation of ownership in what is now Lower Austria , Carinthia , Styria , Burgenland , Slovenia and Hungary .


Adalwin is described as particularly vigilant in the abbot catalog of St. Peter's Abbey. In the spring of 860 he traveled to Rome to receive the pallium . Adalwin made a special contribution to the Christianization of the Slavs in the Eastern Bavarian region ( Carantan and Pannonian missions) and also raised claims on Greater Moravia . King Ludwig rewarded this missionary work with rich donations. He received important places and churches in the mission area, such as Steinamanger ( Sabaria , today Szombathely ) and Prostrum (Peinithaa, today Szentpéterfa ). He appointed the tried and tested priest Altfried, who had already been appointed under his predecessor, as archpriest and formally handed over the leadership of the church in Pannonia to him . He maintained good relations with the son and successor of Pribina , Kocel . In his Pannonian principality he consecrated twelve new churches and gave each of these churches its own priest.

However, he campaigned in vain against the missionary work of Constantine, who later called himself Kyrill von Saloniki , and his brother Method von Saloniki and especially against the later appointment of St. Method as Archbishop of Great Moravia - Pannonia by Pope Hadrian II . Shortly after his appointment, he and the Passau bishop Ermanrich arrested Method and held him abused for three and a half years by a Bavarian criminal court in a Swabian monastery. On the orders of Pope John VIII they had to release him again, and Bishop Ermenrich (Ermanrich), who was in charge of the persecution of Methods, was suspended as bishop.


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Wiktionary: Adalwin  - Explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
predecessor Office successor
Liupram Archbishop of Salzburg
Adalbert I.