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Agilus (* around 580 in Burgundy , † August 30, around 650 in Rebais-en-Brie , France ) was a holy abbot and missionary of the Bavarians .

In French also: Aile , Ail , Aisle , Ayeul , Ely .


He came from a noble family and was a student of St. Columban and monk of the Luxeuil Monastery . Together with St. Eustasius evangelized the Bavarians. There is no historical evidence that he is the founder of the Weltenburg monastery .

He later became the first abbot of the Rebais-en-Brie monastery near Paris , which was built in 635 by St. Audoin (also Aldowin ) had been founded. With the support of King Dagobert I and the high nobility of Paris, it became a model monastery of Irish Scottish monasticism.

His feast day is August 30th . The Huguenots destroyed his relics.


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