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Achilles and Penthesilea

The Aithiopis was an epic poem of the so-called Epic Cycle ; it is not received. It described events at the end of the Trojan War that Homer did not deal with in the Iliad . The actual fall of Troy does not seem to have been the subject of the Aithiopis.

Topics of the Aithiopis included the intervention of the Amazons under the leadership of their Queen Penthesilea in the battle for Troy, Penthesilea's battle with Achilles and her death, the entry into the war of the Ethiopian prince and general Memnon on the side of the Trojans and his death, the death of Achilles and the with this connected funeral ceremonies as well as the dispute between Aias and Odysseus .

The epic is attributed to Arktinos of Miletus . The subject can also be found in other literary and pictorial works. A modern and well-known reception of the Amazon theme can be found in Heinrich von Kleist's drama Penthesilea .


  1. A brief table of contents can be found in the translation of the Iliad by Raoul Schrott, Carl Hanser Verlag Munich, 2008, pp. 519-523.


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