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Akasha ( Sanskrit : ā ākāśa , also akascha , akasa and akaça ; Pāḷi : ākāsa) stands for space or ether .

Hinduism / Ayurveda

In Hindu philosophy and Ayurveda , Akasha (' ether ') denotes one of the five elements alongside Prithvi ('earth'), Vayu ('air'), Agni ('fire') and Jalam ('water') ( cf.Vaisheshika ).


In the commentaries of Buddhism , ākāsa is used to denote two types of space: space “limited by physicality” ( ākāsa-dhātu ) and “unlimited space” ( ajatākāsa ), space. In many sutras , the "limited space" belonging to physicality is enumerated in the group of the six eastern elements (solid, liquid, heating, airy element, spatial element, element of consciousness), while "unlimited space", like time, has no reality .

See also


Guido Huber : Âkâça, the mystical space. (1955)

Individual evidence

  1. ākāsa from "Concise Manual of Buddhist Teachings and Concepts" by Nyanatiloka
  2. ākāsa from "Manual of Buddhist Terms and Doctrines" by Nynatiloka