Al Boasberg

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Al Boasberg (born December 5, 1892 in Buffalo , NY , † June 18, 1937 in Los Angeles , California ) was an American writer , gag writer and director of comedies.

Born as the son of a jeweler from Buffalo, he managed to establish himself as a busy joke writer for various show stars when he was around 30 years old. George Burns , Fred Allen and Jack Benny were among his clients . In 1926 he contributed to Hollywood gags for films by Buster Keaton ( Battling Butler , The General and College ). Later, in the age of talkies , he worked as a gagman for the Marx Brothers . He has also directed various short films and the full-length comedy Myrt and Marge (1933) with the Three Stooges . In 1936 he worked as the lead writer for the Jack Bennys radio show. He died in his home in 1937 at the age of 45 from complications from a heart attack .
