Alara (Nubia)

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Name of Alara
Proper name
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Hiero Ca2.svg

Alara (born 9th century BC; died 8th century BC) was a Nubian king who appears in various texts as the forefather of the Nubian ruling house, but who is not known from any contemporary sources (compare, however ,: Aryamani ) .

Little is known about his person. He was probably the predecessor of Kashta , but did not yet have the full royal title. His relationship with Kashta is controversial. While earlier research was based on a brotherly relationship, more recent research is more cautious, as little is known about the rules of succession in the Nubian royal family.

Alara's wife was Kasaqa . The known daughter is Tabira, who was Pianchi's wife and mentions Alara on a stele from al-Kurru . It has been suggested that Alara was buried in al-Kurru, but no grave can be assigned with certainty.


Individual evidence

  1. Drenkhahn: Lexikon der Ägyptologie I , Sp. 169.
predecessor Office successor
--- King of Nubia
770–750 BC Chr.