Albert Gebhard

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Albert Gebhard (born January 3, 1832 in Lahr , † October 20, 1907 in Heidelberg ) was a Baden civil servant and member of the first and second commission for the drafting of a civil code .


Albert Gebhard was born on January 3, 1832 as the son of the teacher Karl Gebhard in Lahr . He studied law at the universities of Tübingen , Göttingen and Heidelberg , where he received his doctorate in 1854. After holding several offices in various administrative authorities in Baden, he was appointed Ministerialrat at the Baden Ministry of Justice in 1868. In 1871 he was appointed a member of the commission for drafting a code of civil procedure . In 1874 he became a member of the first commission for the drafting of a civil code , where he was appointed editor of the general part of the code. After completing the work of the commission in 1889, he took over the professorship for imperial civil law established for him at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg . Gebhard left the university in January 1891 and became a member of the second commission for the civil code. He represented the draft law as commissioner for the Reich Chancellor in the Bundesrat and as commissioner for the federal governments in the Reichstag . In 1897 Gebhard, who retired in 1896, was commissioned by the Reich government together with Alexander Achilles to revise the commission's protocols for printing. He died in Heidelberg on October 23, 1907 .


  • Thomas Vormbaum , The legal capacity of associations in the 19th century. A contribution to the genesis of the BGB, Berlin / New York 1976, p. 131 f.
  • Michael Behn , The history of the unilateral conflict of laws rules of the EGBGB with special consideration of the attitude of the Baden editor Albert Gebhard and their treatment by the jurisprudence in a comparative legal perspective, Frankfurt a. M. 1980

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