Alessandro Camon

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Alessandro Camon (2009)

Alessandro Camon (* 1963 in Padua , Italy ) is an Italian film producer and screenwriter .


Alessandro Camon initially studied at the University of Padua and worked as a film critic. After graduating there with a degree in philosophy , he moved to UCLA . There he graduated from the Professional School for Theater, Film and Television.

In 1996 he worked for the first time as a producer with the film The Crow - The Revenge of the Crow and in the following years for mostly smaller film productions. He became better known in the film business as a co-producer of Mary Harron's American Psycho with Christian Bale in the lead role. In addition to his work as a producer, he wrote the script for The Messenger with Oren Moverman . For this they were awarded the Silver Bear at the Berlinale and were nominated for the best original screenplay at the 2010 Academy Awards. However, the award went to Mark Boalfor his screenplay for Deadly Command - The Hurt Locker .

Camon is married to the film producer Suzanne Warren .

Filmography (selection)

Web links

supporting documents

  1. Awards of the Berlinale 2009 , accessed on April 29, 2017.