Alexander Ziegler (writer, 1944)

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Alexander Ziegler (born March 8, 1944 in Zurich ; † August 11, 1987 there ) was a Swiss actor , publicist and writer .


At the age of 16, Ziegler contacted the Zurich theater director Oskar Wältin (1895–1961), who encouraged him and gave him small roles. Ziegler was then put in a reformatory by his parents. At the age of 17 he went to Vienna with a recommendation from Wälterlin , where he attended the Max Reinhardt Seminar (1960/61). He played in Wedekind's Spring Awakening (Vienna 1964) and in the American television series Boys and Girls of Fred Mallow . In 1966 he was sentenced to two and a half years imprisonment for a relationship with 16-year-old Stephan (Mutscha), which he had to serve in the Lenzburg correctional facility . His first, strongly autobiographical novel Labyrinth , published in 1970, was written behind prison walls . Then in 1971 he was offered the editor-in-chief of the gay magazine DU & ICH (1971–1979) in Hanover . During these nine years, Ziegler created many enemies through his political statements. Politically, the committed left had strong sympathy for Willy Brandt .

In July 1987, after the premiere of his play Kokain or Philipp Neukomm's lonely fight , he swallowed an overdose of sleeping pills , the consequences of which he died on the night of August 10th, 1987 in the rooms of the Zurich Chamber Theater ( Theater Stok ) .


In November 1977 the television version of his novel Die Konsequenz was broadcast, which depicts the depressing and dramatic relationship between the actor Martin Kurath ( Jürgen Prochnow ) and the home-boy Thomas Manzoni ( Ernst Hannawald ). The film, which could only be released in a censored version and was completely boycotted by Bayerischer Rundfunk , sparked a tremendous response and gave many young gays the courage to find themselves. In 1978 he and Wolfgang Petersen received the Adolf Grimme Bronze Prize for this . Since then, Ziegler has been the best known and most widely read contemporary German language gay writer. In quick succession, other novels appeared in a man's love , The Tender , the drug ward , plays cell whispers , Happy End , Tribunal or The Moral Criminal , Cocaine and the collection of essays No Right to Love . At the same time, Ziegler, who lived in Stäfa with his friend Kurt Wernli , was an uninterrupted actor on Swiss stages. The Kießling-Wörner affair (1983/84) brought him back into the public eye.


  • Labyrinth , 1970
  • The consequence , 1975
  • No right to love , 1978
  • A man's love , 1980
  • Board games , 1980 (contains the plays Willkommen in Mariental and Saturday evening as well as case studies on the situation in Swiss homes)
  • Anxiety Dreams , 1981
  • The Affectionate , 1982
  • I confess 1985
  • Scoundrel Laughter , 1985


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Der Spiegel : Marriage to Edgar . Issue 18/1970, pp. 214–217.