Alfons Abel

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Alfons Abel (1983)

Alfons Abel (born January 19, 1908 in Nuremberg ; † June 28, 1994 there ) was a German glass painter . His artistic sphere of activity was mainly in Nuremberg, Middle Franconia and the Upper Palatinate, and occasionally in Upper Bavaria .


Alfons Abel was the son of Christian Abel, a specialist teacher and master examiner for art glass, who ran a renowned glazier in Nuremberg.

In 1925, after completing his technical training as a glazier (with the certificate of honor from the Wittelsbach State Foundation), Alfons Abel entered the Vogt class at the State School for Applied Arts in Nuremberg . The first watercolors with Nuremberg motifs from this period were published in the Stuttgarter Illustrierte (born 1932). From 1928 to 1929 Abel studied at the Art Academy in Munich with Professor Franz Klemmer, and in 1929 he moved to the Erich Wolfsfeld class at the Berlin-Charlottenburg Art Academy . As a scholarship holder and master class student, he finished his studies there in 1931 and then worked as a freelance artist in Nuremberg.

In 1934 he set up a glass painting in Sofia / Bulgaria on behalf of the Reich Association of German Glass Paintings.

From 1942 to 1946 during his war deployment in Crete (without combat deployment) and in captivity in Egypt (under English occupation) he created numerous watercolors and some oil paintings . During his captivity, he was a lecturer at an English art school in Heliopolis .

After successful requests for release from captivity by the city of Nuremberg and by the Archbishop's Office in Bamberg, he returned to Nuremberg in 1947 with the anti-fascist transport. Since 1936 Abel and his wife made numerous study trips to most European countries. The annual travel destination after the end of the war was Greece.



Artistic creation

In addition to glass painting, Abel's artistic repertoire consists of works in wire enamel, sgraffito, mosaic and wire sculpture. His work includes over 250 works. They can be found in churches, cemeteries, schools, companies and private households (including the Villa Grundig in Fürth / Bay) or in public facilities (including the Nuremberg town hall). Abel always carried out his designs himself. The Nuremberg press and other local newspapers followed his activity over the years.

Artistic language

Abel combines the formally strict and reductive formal language of his church windows with the architecture. His stained glass wants to take up the language of the room through the use of light and design and enrich it compositionally. The lead rib that holds the glass section together is designed as a linear drawing under the hand of the artist, which is broken by the radiance of the colored concept. Abel's glass painting thrives on the interplay of figurative clarity and overflowing luminosity. In addition, as a further enhancement, there is the choice of hand-blown antique glass from the Waldsassen glassworks, which diffuses the shimmering light with many voices thanks to the delicacy of the nuances. His imagery does not obey any aesthetic, short-lived sense of time. He sees his work as commissioned work, like the medieval cathedral building, in which the Christian message should be conveyed. Abel translates this message into human dignity, compositional power and vivid representation. The press and clients point out the comforting and reassuring message that Abel's artistic design emanates.

Church works (selection)

Watercolor: View of Chania, 1943
Watercolor: Chania, 1944
Watercolor: Heinz Jahn, 1946
Round window in St. Bonifaz, Röthenbach, 1955
Draft for a concrete window in the Ramsfeld morgue, 1970
    1932 Evang. Church of the Resurrection, Nürnberg-Fischbach. Enamel altar Last Supper
    1932 Catholic parish church to the Guardian Angels, Nuremberg. Altar window angel protects children
    1947 Bauhütte Evang. St. Lorenz Church, Nuremberg. Repair of the rosette
    1948 Evang. Oberampfrach / Ansbach church. Window The suffering and the victorious Church
1950-1960 Evang. Reformation Memorial Church, Nuremberg
    1950    Parish hall. Window sequence with historical personalities
    1960    Church. Baptism window in Jordan
    1950 Family crypt Graf von Faber, Stein near Nuremberg. 2 Windows
    1951 Evang. Christ Church, Trostberg / Opf. Round window The risen Christ
    1952 Evang. St. Jacob's Church, Feucht. Altar window motifs from the life of Christ
    1953 Erlangen Central Cemetery. Half-arch window motifs from the life of Christ
1954-1985 Catholic Herz-Jesu-Kirche, Nuremberg
    1954    2 windows St. Joseph. St. Theresa (Sisters' Home)
    1954    Pointed arch window Baptism of Christ in the Jordan
    1959    3 choir windows of Moses. The life of Christ. The living church
    1959    Portal window HL. Trinity
    1961    Sacristy window
    1961    Organ gallery window Angels making music
    1978    Side aisle window From the Lauretan Litany
    1979    Window aisle of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary
    1984    Window aisle Outpouring of St. Mind
    1985    Aisle window baptism in Jordan
    1954 Evang. Church of Our Lady Merkendorf (Middle Franconia). Sacristy window
    1955 Evang. Schwarzenbruck / Feucht Church. Arched window Lamb of God
1956-1957 Evang. Thomaskirche Nürnberg-Großreuth
    1956    Arched central window Resurrection of Jesus
    1957    Side arched window baptism of Jesus. Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
    1957 Evang. Bartholomäuskirche, Nuremberg. Ascension Window
1957-1988 Evang. Nuremberg Almoshof Church
    1957    2 round windows bread of the world. Two angels
    1978    Window spreading word of God
    1958 Heuchling / Lauf cemetery chapel. 3 window of Jesus in Gethsemane. Crucifixion. resurrection
    1959 Catholic Church Emskirchen. Pieta window
    1959 Evang. Velden Church (near Hersbruck). 6 choir windows Ornamental stained glass
    1962 Waldfriedhof Weiden / Opf., Mortuary. 8 windows, u. a. Faith. Love. hope
    1964 Kath. St. Georg Church, Nuremberg, memorial room. 4 windows Pieta. Resurrection. Death. transfiguration
    1965 Kath. Maria-Hilf Church, Nuremberg. Stained glass over two overall facades Secret of the Rosary. Stations of the Cross . Tabernacle enamel and copper Holy Communion
    1965 Evang. Friedenskirche, Nuremberg, parish hall. Window family tree of Christ
1966-1972 Evang. Methodist Church, Nuremberg, Gugelstr.
    1966    Altar window crucifixion and resurrection
    1970    4 Window Sermon on the Mount. Passion of Jesus. The lost Son. Last Judgment
    1968 Catholic parish church of St. Karl Borromeo , Nuremberg-Mögeldorf. 8 choir window compositions with angels
    1969 Catholic parish church Hirschau. Altar lancet window Lamb of God
    1973 Church of the Wohnstift am Tiergarten, Nuremberg. Window sequence made of color compositions with figuratively depicted works of mercy
    1974 Catholic rectory in Hartenstein (Franconian Switzerland). St. Martin's window
    1979 Evang. Methodist Martha-Maria Hospital, Nuremberg. Window in the prayer room Come to me


  • Wilhelm Schwemmer among others: The city of Nuremberg. Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich 1977, ISBN 3-422-00550-1 .

Web links

Commons : Alfons Abel  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Information from the Order's Chancellery in the Office of the Federal President.