Alix Le Clerc

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Alix Le Clerc as a nun Maria Theresa of Jesus

Alix Le Clerc (born February 2, 1576 in Remiremont , France , † January 9, 1622 in Nancy ) was a French nun and co-founder of the Augustinian women choirs . As a religious sister, she took the name Maria Theresa of Jesus , and in 1947 she was beatified .


Her father was a respected merchant from Remiremont in Lorraine who was raised to the nobility . Her mother was related to several distinguished families. The Christian parents had the most ardent desire to introduce their daughter into aristocratic society. A sudden illness that dragged on for four years led Alix to a spiritual realization. After regaining health, she went to confession and was shaken by mysterious dreams . In one of those dreams

“She saw herself in the Church of Our Lady in Remiremont during mass. As she walked to the altar at the offertory - the beautiful custom of making offerings still existed among the faithful at the time - she noticed a woman in a peculiar costume on one side of the altar who was very different from everyone she had ever seen: a black dress, a black veil, a black breast cloth. She recognized in this woman the most blessed Virgin Mary herself. "I dared not approach her because of my unworthiness," wrote Alix. "When she noticed this, she called me and said: 'Come on, my daughter, I will take you in, because my son liked it that you went to confession.' "Although Alix thought:" It's only a dream, "she felt again and again the dichotomy between her previous life and the call of God who wanted to lead her into a new, unknown being. Everything would get better, she thought, if she only left Remiremont, where she was caught up in her 'pleasures'. "

When the father died in 1595, the family moved to the countryside in the small village of Hymont . The family went to church in Mattaincourt to attend church services and it was here that they met their spiritual father, the canon and pastor Pierre Fourier (1565–1640). Encouraged by the pastoral and spiritual work of this pastor, Alix felt called to live as a religious sister.

Founding of the order

She told her pastor about another dream that strengthened her wish and in which she believed she had received an assignment. Pastor Fourier encouraged her to interpret her dreams and instructed her to look for like-minded girls. Alix managed to win three young girls for a life in a religious community. They dedicated their lives in Mattaincourt Church to service in the grace of God at midnight mass . This is considered to be the founding day of today's Augustinian women choirs. On July 2, 1598, the congregation in Poussay opened the first girls' school , which nevertheless resulted in a large increase for the new religious community. In 1599 they built the first monastery in Mattaincourt. In quick succession, monasteries were founded in Saint-Mihiel , Saint-Nicolas-de-Port , Pont-à-Mousson and in Nancy. In 1598 the first rules of the order were written, to which the canon Pierre Fourier had contributed a large part. In 1616, Pope Paul V granted papal approbation to the convent of the Nancy monastery , which was followed in 1643 by Pope Innocent X, which was confirmed and extended to the entire women's order. In 1606 the motherhouse of the Augustinian choir women was built in Nancy and Maria Theresa took over the office of superior until 1621 .

Death and beatification

At the age of only 46, Mother Maria Theresa of Jesus died on January 9, 1622 in Nancy. She had suffered many troubles in her life. Your strong belief in the help of the Holy Virgin Mary had never lost. On May 4, 1947 she was by Pope Pius XII. beatified. Her ecclesiastical feast day was set for January 9th.


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