Amilcar Salomón Zorilla

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Amilcar Salomón Zorilla (born September 13, 1925 in Laramate , Ayacucho Province ) is a Peruvian painter who is also known beyond the borders of his country.

Salomón spent his school days in Laramate and Ayacucho. At the age of 17 he was accepted into the Navy . He started painting in his spare time at an early age. He left the Navy and studied for six years at the Art School in Lima . He then went to Mexico to learn about wall painting from the famous painter Jorge González Camarena . He expanded his skills through frequent trips to South America and visits to Europe. Above all , he developed close ties to Paris , which became his second home.

Salomón's art is based on his homeland. The focus is on the landscape of the Andes and their Indian inhabitants. The little things and happenings of everyday life, but also the events of a turbulent past, form the themes. Salomón's goal is to awaken understanding for the culture and way of life of his country, in which the essence of the simple, strong descendants of the Inca is expressed and from which he himself derives his strength.

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