Andreas Mölzer

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Andreas Mölzer (2014)

Andreas Mölzer (born December 2, 1952 in Leoben ) is an Austrian publicist and former member of the European Parliament . He is assigned to the German national wing of the FPÖ . Mölzer is considered the leading ideologist of the FPÖ. He describes himself as a “ national liberal cultural German ”. He was his party's top candidate in the 2009 European elections and initially also in the 2014 European elections . On April 8, 2014, he withdrew his candidacy after increasing public criticism of several of his statements and the subsequent pressure from the party leadership.


Andreas Mölzer was born as the son of Sepp Mölzer and Hermine Mölzer. From 1959 to 1963 he attended elementary school in Trofaiach , from 1963 high schools in Liebenau (Graz) and in Knittelfeld , where he graduated in 1971 . In 1971/72 he completed his military service in the Austrian Armed Forces . Mölzer began studying law at the Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz in 1973 , but switched to history and folklore in 1975 after passing the second state examination . In 1973 he became active in the Corps Vandalia Graz . Later he was chairman of Vandalia's old men’s association . From 1978 he worked as a study assistant at the Institute for European and Comparative Legal History and at the Institute for Austrian Legal History. In 1980 he left the university to work as a journalist.

From 1983 to 1990 he was a member of the editor-in-chief of the monthly magazine Die Aula of the Freedom Academic Associations of the FPÖ , at the same time he was, in successor to Jörg Haider , from 1984 to the end of 1990 editor-in-chief of the FP weekly newspaper Kärntner Nachrichten , where he became a fan of Haider (since 1983 Regional party chairman of the FPÖ-Carinthia, from 1986 chairman of the federal FPÖ).

Due to a book review (letter to the editor) not written by him in the Kärntner Nachrichten, a complaint was filed against Mölzer in 1987, in his function as editor-in-chief of the newspaper, for the dissemination of Nazi ideas. The complaint was put aside by the Klagenfurt public prosecutor, but Mölzer had to pay an administrative fine of 3000 schillings.

From 1985 to 1987 Mölzer was also a member of the editorial committee of the German monthly magazine .

In 1990 he became head of the Freedom Education Center, managing partner of the Institute for Social Policy Studies / Edition K3, publishing and consulting company and chairman of the Freedom Party Academy (until 1994). From 1991 to 1993 Mölzer held a political office for the first time as a member of the Federal Council (Austria) sent by the Carinthian state parliament .

In the mid-1990s there was a break with Haider. Mölzer turned back to journalism, became editor-in-chief of the Austrian edition of Junge Freiheit in 1995 and has been co-editor and editor-in-chief of the German national weekly newspaper Zur Zeit, which he co-founded and which resulted from it . Subsequently, he returned to Haider as a cultural advisor with a consultancy contract and was cultural representative of the Carinthian provincial government under Haider from 1999 to 2001 . His consultancy contract was not extended because of different ideas about cultural policy.

In 2005, a few days before the BZÖ split off from the FPÖ, Mölzer was expelled from the Carinthian FPÖ. In the absence of jurisdiction, however, the vote had to be repeated in the FPÖ's federal executive committee, in which FPÖ leader Ursula Haubner did not find a sufficient majority for her concern. In the weeks before, Mölzer had heavily criticized the government work of the FPÖ and the FPÖ leadership by Haider's sister Ursula Haubner in his magazine Zur Zeit. The failed exclusion of Mölzer is considered the initial spark for the foundation of the BZÖ by Jörg Haider.

For several years Mölzer was a columnist for the Vienna daily Die Presse , and since 1998 he has been a regular columnist for the Kronen Zeitung . In addition to these articles and some books, Mölzer is the author of several television productions.

Mölzer is divorced and remarried, has five children and lives in Treffen on Lake Ossiach . His son Wendelin Mölzer has been a member of the Austrian National Council since October 2013 .

European Parliament

6th legislative term

On June 13, 2004 Mölzer received almost 22,000 preferential votes in the EU parliamentary elections and thus took over the mandate of the list leader Hans Kronberger , on whom the FPÖ campaign had focused. His personal committee consisted primarily of members of the German nationalist wing of the FPÖ, including Federal Councilor John Gudenus , Ewald Stadler and Seniorenring Chairman Karl Wimleitner . Kronberger's complaint to the Constitutional Court was dismissed because of a formal error .

In January 2005 Mölzer abstained from the vote on the resolution of the European Parliament on the memory of the Holocaust as well as on anti-Semitism and racism . His statement on this brought him strong criticism from FP club chairman Herbert Scheibner and Federal Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel and the opposition.

Andreas Mölzer did not belong to any parliamentary group until 2007, but he always tried to build up a network of, according to their own definition, "patriotically-minded" members of the European Parliament. For these reasons, he maintains close contacts to this day with MPs from other right-wing parties, such as the Flemish Vlaams Belang , the French Front National , the Italian Lega Nord and the now-defunct Alternative Sociale , the Slovak SNS , the Greek LAOS and the Danish People's Party .

The accession of Romania and Bulgaria made it possible to found the Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty (ITS) parliamentary group together with parties from these countries on January 15, 2007 . The group's goals included: preventing Turkey from joining the EU , preventing the EU constitution , preserving the “European dominant culture” and cultural heritage, preserving national sovereignty, identity and tradition, as well as the rule of law and civil liberties and promoting families.

The basis for the new parliamentary group was the “Vienna Declaration of European Patriotic and National Parties and Movements”, which a large number of the parties in the ITS parliamentary group had already adopted in 2005 at a meeting in Vienna. The signatories refer to the “inalienable values ​​of Christianity and natural law”, which they see as threatened by “globalization, mass immigration and the denial of reality by representatives of 'Political Correctness'”.

In November 2007, the ITS disbanded because the Romanian MPs resigned because of derogatory remarks by Alessandra Mussolini about Romanians. This meant that the number of members fell below 20, making the group too small to form a parliamentary group. Mölzer has not belonged to any parliamentary group since then.

In the 6th electoral term of the European Parliament from 2004 to 2009, Andreas Mölzer was a member of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) and a deputy in the Committee on Culture and Education (CULT). He was also a member of the EU-Turkey joint parliamentary delegation.

7th legislative term

In the 7th electoral term from 2009 to 2014 Mölzer is a member of Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee and deputy to the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO). He is also a member of the EU-Ukraine delegation.

According to the statistics of the NGO VoteWatch , Mölzer made the most speeches and written declarations among Austrian MPs in the 7th legislative period, and at the same time took part in roll-call votes in parliament the least (as of March 2014).

For the 2014 European elections he should have been on the first list of the FPÖ in front of Harald Vilimsky , together they should form a "double top". At the end of March 2014, a report in SZ-Magazin announced that Mölzer had described the European Union as worse than the National Socialist German Reich at an event in Vienna on February 18 , which in his eyes was comparatively "informal and liberal", because back then there were fewer “rules and regulations, commands and prohibitions”. A second statement, according to which the EU was a “ Negro conglomerate ”, he initially denied, he had rather said “ necrophilic conglomerate”. Only after the publication of a sound recording did he admit to having said it that way, explaining his statements by saying that the panel discussion at this point had "long since slipped into the satirical and ironic". Shortly after that, in Mölzer weekly has also been known to time in 2012 in the "Diary of a ( sic ) racists" as a contribution had appeared in which laments the author that "the real Viennese" now "look like" the "Pitch black" footballer David Alaba and just a "look at the old people's homes" give an idea of ​​what "real Austrians" and "real Viennese" once were. The text was drawn with the pseudonym "FX Seltsam", under which texts have already been published that Mölzer published elsewhere under his name. He or Zur Zeit stated that this pseudonym was used by several authors and that he had not written this text. Mölzer's statements led to severe criticism in public and in Austria's media, and various parties called for his withdrawal from the candidacy, which he initially ruled out. The writer Michael Köhlmeier announced on April 4th an advertisement for hate speech and with the help of the human rights organization SOS Mitmensch is soliciting supporters. As of April 8, more than 21,000 people have signed the petition online. The Swedish Sverigedemokraterna announced that it would withdraw from the alliance of right-wing parties that Mölzer helped organize in the EU Parliament. On April 8, 2014, he finally announced that he would no longer run as the top candidate for the European elections, but wanted to remain in a promising position on the FPÖ's list. After a meeting of the FPÖ leadership on the same day, his candidacy was withdrawn entirely. In a press release, he said that it was not pressure from “the politically correct media landscape”, “the hypocritical outrage of the establishment” or “the agitation organized by the ultra-left hunting society” that prompted him to do so, but “the obvious loss of confidence” in his party.

The term used by Mölzer Negro conglomerate was chosen as the Austrian slang of the year 2014 .

Political statements

Mölzer became known to a wider public when he appeared in February 1992 as a speaker at an event organized by the Freedom Association of Academics on the subject of "National Identity and Multicultural Society". On the occasion of his lecture he feared a “change of population ”.

The daily newspaper Der Standard of February 13, 1992 wrote:

“Mölzer rather fears that the German national and cultural community in the FRG and in Austria is“ for the first time in its thousand-year history ”facing a“ re-population ”. So far, the 'biological potency of Germans' has always been strong, 'in order to remain an assimilating factor'. Now, however, Aula employee Mölzer sees an 'aging and weaker national body that is facing more dynamic immigrants'. Therefore, an 'amorphous mass' should not be included, people should already be checked abroad. Otherwise 'an ethnic, cultural change' could take place. "

- The standard

Regarding the scandal over anti-Semitic songs at the fraternity of Germania zu Wiener Neustadt , he said: “I also believe that we have to look for and create hygiene in our own house - in every single connection - a psychological and historical hygiene. And where there are such remnants [of anti-Semitism] - I don't know any of them - they should be erased and that should be prevented. "

Literary work

Mölzer has published poetry and prose. Verses like “earth-brown floods / rolling pushing themselves / mighty through the land” were interpreted politically. In 2014 Mölzer's novel Der Graue came into public discussion . It tells the story of a survivor of a nuclear war who ravages the country in a rape. A review of the daily newspaper Kurier sees “crude violence fantasies” in the novel and sums up the end of the text as follows: “From a folk perspective everything turns out well in the horror: The Aryan finds his female, he saves the species - and is allowed to die . "


  • Austria, a German special case. Türmer-Verlag , Berg am See 1988, ISBN 3-87829-104-3 .
  • German building blocks of Central Europe. Aula-Verlag, Graz 1989, ISBN 3-900968-01-2 .
  • Carinthian freedom. An Austrian special case. Amalthea Signum Verlag , Vienna 1990, ISBN 3-85002-297-8 .
  • Jörg! The icebreaker. Jörg Haider and the Freedom Party. Political Renewal Perspectives. Suxxes, Vienna 1990, ISBN 3-9500009-0-9 .
  • And where is Austria? The Alpine republic between German unification and European merger. An interim balance. Publishing company Berg , Berg am See 1991, ISBN 3-921655-77-3 .
  • The gray. An apocalyptic tale. Edition K 3, Ferlach 1991.
  • Praise the cold. Words, verses, pictures. Arun-Verlag , Vilsbiburg 1993, ISBN 3-927940-13-5 .
  • Pro Patria. The German corporate student body, fringe group or elite? Aula-Verlag, Graz 1994.
  • Hello Austria. The long farewell to the second republic. Publishing company Berg, Berg am See 1996, ISBN 3-86118-038-3 .
  • On the identity of Austria. Eckartschriften issue 136, Österreichische Landsmannschaft , Vienna 1996.
  • Europe in the right light. Right-wing democrats and patriots on the state and future of the continent. W3-Verlagsgesellschaft, Vienna 2004, ISBN 3-900052-01-8 .
  • Europe our. For a Europe of free peoples and cultural diversity. Eckartschriften Heft 177, Österreichische Landsmannschaft, Vienna 2005.
  • What is left of the third force? W3-Verlagsgesellschaft, Vienna 2005, ISBN 3-900052-04-2 .
  • When we were "liberated" ... Bombed out, captured, evicted, raped. Contemporary witnesses report on the war and the post-war period. 2. verb. Ed., W3-Verlagsgesellschaft, Vienna 2006, ISBN 3-900052-07-7 .
  • The Country needs new men. Heinz-Christian Strache in conversation with Andreas Mölzer. W3-Verlagsgesellschaft, Vienna 2006, ISBN 978-3-900052-09-6 .
  • Bird free. Contributions to the radicalism debate. Currently W3, W3-Verlagsgesellschaft, Vienna 2007, ISBN 978-3-900052-11-9 .
  • with Bernhard Tomaschitz: Europe - dream and nightmare. From the Holy Empire to the European Union. A continent united in its opposites. Currently, W3-Verlagsgesellschaft, Vienna 2007, ISBN 978-3-900052-10-2 .
  • Freedom writes on your flags! 1848–2008: The Third Camp - Legacy and Mission. Currently, W3-Verlagsgesellschaft, Vienna 2008, ISBN 978-3-900052-14-0 .
  • Europe 2084. Greetings from Orwell. FPÖ-Bildungsinstitut , Vienna 2009, ISBN 978-3-900052-99-7 .

watch TV

  • Tito's murderous power. Partisan crimes in Carinthia , 2003
  • In the glowing lava of hatred. The crimes of the Tito partisans between Karawanken and Hornwald , 2002

Web links

Commons : Andreas Mölzer  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Die Presse : Mölzer withdraws completely from the FPÖ list , April 8, 2014
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 180 , 246
  3. Freedom since 1848 , article in Die Presse of January 24, 2009
  4. ^ DÖW : Handbook of Austrian Right-Wing Extremism , p. 472, 2nd edition, Vienna 1996
  5. Mölzer complains Dieman , article by DÖW , February 2003
  6. Handbook of Austrian Right-Wing Extremism, 2nd edition, Vienna 1996, p. 520
  7. ^ Mölzer "alone against the Left" , DÖW , May 2004
  8. European Parliament: European Parliament resolution on the memory of the Holocaust and on anti-Semitism and racism
  9. VoteWatch: Andreas Mölzer's voting behavior ( Memento from October 5, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  10. ORF : EU election Mölzer and Vilimsky as "dual leadership" , 9 January 2014
  11. ^ Kurier : Great outrage over Mölzer-Sager , March 22, 2014
  12. ^ Kurier : Mölzer does not rule out resignation , March 25, 2014
  13. Der Standard : Mölzer admits Sager about "Negro conglomerate" and apologizes , March 24, 2014
  14. Der Standard / Mölzer is said to have published racist texts under a pseudonym, April 1, 2014
  15. : Racist article about Alaba - dispute over authorship , April 5, 2014
  16. Der Standard : Andreas Mölzer: “I rate this as human hunt” , April 6, 2014
  17. ^ Vorarlberg online: Author Michael Köhlmeier reports Mölzer for incitement to hatred , April 4, 2014
  18. ^ Kurier : "Negerkonglomerat" publishes Mölzer advertisement , April 4, 2014
  19. Der Standard : Mölzer's statements for Sweden Democrats intolerable , April 1, 2014, accessed on April 8, 2014
  20. Der Standard : FPÖ party leadership forces Mölzer to withdraw completely , April 8, 2014
  21. ^ Kurier : Attack on Alaba kicks Mölzer into the blue out , April 8, 2014
  22. - "Situation elastic" is the word of the year . Article dated December 3, 2014, accessed December 3, 2014.
  23. Ö1 morning journal on January 26, 2018: Mölzer wants "hygiene in your own house"
  24. Andreas Mölzer advocates "in-house hygiene". In: The press. January 16, 2018, accessed January 26, 2018 .
  25. a b "Mölzer sealing Arts: Shades of Brown" , Der Standard , 26 March 2014
  26. ^ "Mölzer's crude violent fantasies" , Kurier , March 27, 2014