Andreas Suter

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Andreas Suter (* 1953 in Zurich ) is a Swiss historian and professor emeritus at Bielefeld University .


Suter studied general history, literary history and linguistics at the University of Zurich and at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales , Paris. 1979 Licentiate at the University of Zurich, after which he was assistant to Roger Sablonier at the Chair of Medieval History. 1983 doctorate at the University of Zurich.

Between 1983 and 1989 he worked for a major Swiss bank in Zurich and London as a country and money market analyst and then as an advisor to the Vice President of the Supervisory Board.

In 1989 he returned to research and teaching and worked at the universities of Zurich , Basel , Lucerne and Bern , from 1990 supported by a four-year ATHENA grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation . In 1993, 1995 and 2001/02 research stays and guest lectureships followed at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales Paris, at the University of Bielefeld and at the University of California , Berkeley. In 1996 he was appointed private lecturer at the University of Zurich, then in 1998 he was appointed assistant professor with the venia legendi for the field of "Modern History".

From 1999 to 2016 he was a full professor of modern history, with a special focus on the early modern period, at Bielefeld University , and has since retired.


  • Structure and event. History and Society , special issue 19, ed. together with Manfred Hettling , Göttingen 2001
Quote: For a long time, a discussion about the relationship between structure and event has been going on in historical studies. On the one hand, classical social history has often neglected the individual historical event; on the other hand, traditional political history and some representatives of cultural history have denied the explanatory power of structures. This special issue shows that structure and event are by no means in conflict. Structures are an indispensable tool for the historian in order to be able to grasp and describe events. At the same time, however, every event contains more than is given in its structural conditions. Every historical event is based on existing structures - and changes them at the same time. The contributions discuss the most important positions in the theoretical debate and also offer concrete applications of the theoretical problem in case studies. "Structure and Event" is thus a plea for an expansion of social history. (Blurb)
  • A brief history of Switzerland. The federal state and its traditions , together with: Manfred Hettling , Mario König , Martin Schaffner and Jakob Tanner , Edition Suhrkamp 2079, Frankfurt a. M. 1998
  • The Swiss Peasants' War of 1653. Political social history - social history of a political event , series early modern research vol. 3, edited by Peter Blickle , Richard van Dülmen , Heinz Schilling , Winfried Schulze , habilitation thesis Zurich, Tübingen 1997
  • "Troublen" in the Principality of Basel (1726–1740). A case study on rural resistance in the 18th century , publications by the Max Planck Institute for History 79, Dissertation Zurich, Göttingen 1985
  • The bearers of peasant resistance actions during the peasant uprising in the Principality of Basel 1726–1740: Village community - village women - Knabenschaften , in: Winfried Schulze (ed.): Aufstands, Revolten, Prozess. Contributions to peasant resistance movements in early modern Europe , Stuttgart 1983, pp. 89–111

Historical lexicon of Switzerland

these and other articles, chapters in the online edition (eHLS / eDHS / eDSS)

Essays, articles

  • Genesis of direct democracy - current debates and scientific results , in: Andreas Auer (ed.) (Among others): Paths to direct democracy in the Swiss cantons , Zurich 2011
  • Corruption or Patronage? External relations between France and the Old Confederation as an example (16th to 18th centuries) , Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung 37/10, pp. 187–216
  • Acting in the Crisis , in: Rudolf Schlögl (ed.) (Inter alia): Crisis as a form of social introspection in the early modern period , Göttingen 2011
  • The Swiss Peasant's was of 1653 , in: Immanuel Ness (ed.): International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest , Blackwell 2009
  • Direct democracy - historical reflections on the current debate , in: Benjamin Adler : The emergence of direct democracy. The example of the Landsgemeinde Schwyz 1789–1866 , Zurich 2006, pp. 219–278
  • Problems of the rule of law: Swiss developments as a special case? in: Rolf Kappel , Hans-Werner Tobler (eds.): Rule of Law in the Age of Globalization , Freiburg i. B., Rombach, 2005 (Series Historias, Vol. 18), pp. 49-76
  • The cultural history of the political: Chances and Limits , in: Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger (ed.): What does the cultural history of the political mean? (in print)
  • Premodern and modern democracy in Switzerland , in: Journal for historical research 31/04, pp. 231-254
  • Collective memories of historical events - opportunities and dangers , in: Jahrbuch Historischen Gesellschaft Luzern 21, pp. 22–32, Luzern 2003
  • Contradicting memories. The Swiss Peasants' War of 1653 and its consequences , NZZ , May 17, 2003 - as PDF on
  • Theories and Methods for a Social History of Historical Events: Reply to Hermann Rebel , in: Central European History 34 (2001), pp. 383-418
  • Nationalisms in Europe. Western and Eastern Europe in comparison , Ulrike von Hirschhausen and Jörn Leonhard (eds.), With contributions by Dieter Langewiesche , Robert JW Evans , Adrian Lyttelton , Andreas Suter, Stefan Berger , Jiří Kořalka , Robert Tombs , Miles Taylor and others. a., Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen 2001
  • Events as structure-breaking and structure-building experience, decision-making and learning processes. The Swiss Peasants' War of 1653 , in: Andreas Suter, Manfred Hettling (ed.): Structure and Event , Göttingen 2001, pp. 175–207
  • Neutral since Marignano? On the reality of a state maxim in Switzerland in the early modern period , in: Neue Helvetische Gesellschaft, Jahrbuch 1998/99, pp. 193–216
  • Andreas Suter (among others): A Brief History of Switzerland , Edition Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt a. M. 1998, pp. 132-187
  • The nation state and the “tradition of invention” - comparative considerations , in: Geschichte und Gesellschaft 25, 1999, pp. 138–161
  • Protonationalism - Construct and socio-political reality , in: Reinhard Stauber and Marco Bellabarba (eds.): Identità territoriali e cultura politica nel prima età moderna / Territoriale / Identity and political culture in the early modern period . Annali dell 'Istituto storico italo-germanico. Contributi / Articles 9. Bologna / Berlin, Il Mulino / Duncker and Humblot, 1998, pp. 301–322
  • New research and perspectives on the history of rural society in Switzerland , in: Werner Trossbach and Clemens Zimmermann (eds.): Agricultural history. Positions and perspectives , sources and research on agricultural history, Vol. 44, Stuttgart 1998, pp. 73–91
  • Theories and methods for a social history of historical events , in: Journal for historical research 1998, issue 2, pp. 209–243
  • The revolution of 1848: structure and contingency , in: AGGS (ed.): Switzerland 1798–1998: State - Society - Politics , Vol. 1: Revolution and Innovation. The conflict-ridden emergence of the Swiss federal state 1848 , Ed. Andreas Ernst , Albert Tanner , Matthias Weishaupt , Zurich 1998
  • Communication methods of rural subjects in everyday life and conflict , in: Jan Peters (ed.): Gutsherrschaftsgesellschaft im Europäischevergleich , Berlin 1997, pp. 55–68
  • From subjects to citizens. The transformation of political culture from the ancien régime to the modern age , Zurich 1997
  • Histoire sociale et événements historiques: pour une nouvelle approche , in: Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 52, 1997, pp. 543-567
  • Les conjurations dans la Confédération Suisse du début des temps moderne , in: École Française de Rome (ed.): Complots et conjurations dans L'Europe moderne, Actes du colloque international organisé par l'École française de Rome (September 30 - 2 October 1993) , Collection de l'École française de Rome 220, Rome 1996, pp. 535-578
  • Conspiracies in the Swiss Confederation of the Early Modern Age , in: Swiss Journal for History 3, 1995, pp. 330–370
  • Regional Political Cultures of Protest and Resistance in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Era. The Swiss Confederation as an example , in: Geschichte und Gesellschaft 21, 1995, pp. 161–194
  • Research report: The Swiss Peasants' War 1653 , in: Albert Tanner u. a .: The farmers in the history of Switzerland . Edited by the Swiss Society for Economic and Social History , Issue 10, Zurich 1992, pp. 69-103
  • Crisis and Crisis Management in the Ancien Régime , in: Die Orientation No. 99, Bern 1991, pp. 19–28
  • Absolutism as a repressive answer to problems of state formation , in: Sebastian Brändli u. a. (Ed.): Switzerland in Transition. Studies on modern social history , Festschrift for Rudolf Braun on his 60th birthday, Basel / Frankfurt a. M. 1990, pp. 281-304
  • The bearers of peasant resistance actions during the peasant uprising in the Principality of Basel 1726–1740: Village community - village women - Knabenschaften , in: Winfried Schulze (ed.): Aufstands, Revolten, Prozess. Contributions to peasant resistance movements in early modern Europe , Stuttgart 1983, pp. 89–111

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