Angelo Badalamenti

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Angelo Daniele Badalamenti (born March 22, 1937 in New York City ) is an American composer of Italian descent. He gained great fame through his longstanding collaboration with director David Lynch .


After studying music, Badalamenti first worked as a music producer (including in 1987 for the Pet Shop Boys the song It Couldn't Happen Here from the album Actually ) and as a composer for television series. At that time he still used the synonym Andy Badele. He achieved his breakthrough through his collaboration with the director David Lynch , whose films he (e) set to music almost without exception. The director and composer are as inextricably linked as Alfred Hitchcock and Bernard Herrmann , Sergio Leone and Ennio Morricone , Federico Fellini and Nino Rota , Steven Spielberg and John Williams , Rainer Werner Fassbinder and Peer Raben or Tim Burton and Danny Elfman .

Occasionally, Badalamenti can be seen in small supporting roles, such as in Lynch's film Mulholland Drive - Street of Darkness , where he mimes a mafia boss named Luigi Castigliane, and in Blue Velvet , where he appears as a bar pianist . The piano is the instrument with which his musical career began: he learned to play it from the age of eight.

Badalamenti shows time and again that he can compose masterful music in a wide variety of styles. The music for Lynch's films, with its always heavy, almost overwhelming strings and jazzy-melancholy pieces, is an indispensable support for his dark film cosmos. An exception to this is A True Story - The Straight Story : This not only musical gem lives to a large extent from Badalamenti's dialogues between the solo instruments guitar, viola and cello in front of a quiet orchestra.

Lynch and Badalamenti wrote and produced two in 1989 and 1993 based on the soundtracks for the series Twin Peaks , for which he won a 1991 Grammy in the category "Pop - Instrumental Performance ", and for the film Twin Peaks - The Film , a prequel to the series Albums by Julee Cruise seen and heard as a nightclub singer in Twin Peaks with some of the songs . In 1993 he received the Saturn Award for the best music . He also received the award in the category Best Original Score for the music of Twin Peaks - The Film at the Independent Spirit Awards .

In 1996 Badalamenti brought out the atmospheric-poppy album "Booth and the Bad Angel" together with Tim Booth , singer of the Britpop band James , in which he took over the keyboard and orchestration as well as (together with Booth) the songwriting and production, and that Includes guest appearances by Brian Eno and Bernard Butler .

Lynch's universe only uses part of Badalamenti's ability. The music for other films sometimes differs significantly in style, and the composer is often unrecognizable. For The City of Lost Children he chose very playful themes, among other things, while some pieces from The Beach are unmistakable references to his time as a pop music producer. In the US remake of Dark Water , he composed the score, which also bears his unique style.

In 2005, Badalamenti's work on films was accompanied by the background music for a video game Fahrenheit , the staging of which is very similar to a feature film.

The spectrum of Badalamenti's work is compared with that of the Portuguese musician and composer Rodrigo Leão .

Badalamenti wrote the music for the following films and TV productions by David Lynch (which was partly co-composed by Lynch and sometimes even interpreted by Badalamenti himself):

In 2017 he was accepted into the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), which awards the Oscars every year.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Radio show "CD of the week" by MDR FIGARO, June 24, 2013
  2. Class of 2017.; accessed on June 30, 2017.