Annibale Bugnini

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Annibale Bugnini

Annibale Bugnini (born June 14, 1912 in Civitella del Lago , Umbria , † July 3, 1982 in Rome ) was an Italian Catholic religious ( Vinzentiner ), archbishop and liturgical scholar .


Bugnini was ordained a priest on July 26, 1936 . From 1946 he was editor of the liturgical journal Ephemerides liturgicae . From 1948 to 1960 he was secretary of Pope Pius XII. appointed commission for the general reform of the liturgy. In 1957 he became professor of liturgy at the Pontifical Lateran University and from 1959 to 1962 he was secretary of the Liturgical Preparatory Commission of the Second Vatican Council . Bugnini was since 1964 as secretary of the Pope Paul VI. established Consilium for the implementation of the liturgy constitution , whose president was initially Cardinal Giacomo Lercaro , Benno Gut was since 1968 . From 1969 to 1975 he worked as secretary and driving force of the resulting Congregation for Divine Worship. The role fell to him because Cardinal Prefect Gut died in 1970 and his successor Arturo Tabera only officiated from 1971–1973. The Congregation for Divine Worship was merged with the Sacraments Congregation in 1975 under Cardinal Prefect Knox. After the Second Vatican Council, the Consilium and Congregation, on behalf of and in close cooperation with Pope Paul VI. the liturgical reform.

The hard-working, active "manager" Bugnini was considered controversial in some places because of this reform, but was able to rely on the goodwill of the Pope until it was completed in 1975. Some traditionalist circles accused him - u. a. by a Pope Paul VI. leaked anonymous pamphlet with the title "Si si, no no" dossier - suggesting that he was a Freemason and thus implied his participation in anti-clerical conspiracies. The Vatican denied this in the Osservatore Romano of October 10, 1976.

On January 6, 1972, Bugnini was named titular archbishop of Diocletiana . He was ordained bishop on February 13, 1972 by Pope Paul VI .; Co- consecrators were Bernard Jan Alfrink , Archbishop of Utrecht, and William John Conway , Archbishop of Armagh. His coat of arms saying “Gaudium Domini Fortitudo” (“The joy in the Lord is [our] strength”) comes from Nehemia 8.10  VUL .

On January 4, 1976, Annibale Bugnini became Apostolic Pro-Nuncio in Iran. The surprising amalgamation of the Congregation for Divine Worship, which was only founded in 1969, with the Congregation for the Sacraments in the summer of 1975 and the transfer of its secretary to Iran was due, among other things, to arbitrariness on the part of Bugnini, which the occasionally deceived Cardinal Prefect James Robert Knox, who has been in office since January 1974, and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith under Cardinal Franjo Šeper not wanted to tolerate more. In Iran, Bugnini threw himself into the work with great enthusiasm, which gained great importance for the Vatican during the Iranian Revolution (publication: La Chiesa in Iran ).

Annibale Bugnini died on July 3, 1982 in a Roman clinic.


  • La riforma liturgica 1948-1975. Nuova edizione riveduta e arricchiata di note e di supplementi per una lettura analitica. CLV-Ed. Liturgiche, Rome 1997 (without ISBN).
  • German translation of the 1st edition: The liturgical reform. 1948-1975. Testimony and Testament. Herder, Freiburg i. Br. 1988; ISBN 3-451-20727-3 .
  • The most important "publications" with the participation of Bugnini are the renewed liturgical books of the Roman Rite as a result of the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Annibale Bugnini: The liturgical reform: 1948–1975; Testimony and Testament . Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 1988, ISBN 3-451-20727-3 , p. 73 .
predecessor Office successor
Enrico Dante Master of ceremonies for the liturgical celebrations of the Pope
Virgilio Noè