Mr. Eugen Dühring's upheaval in science

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Title of the work Anti-Dühring 1878

Herr Eugen Dühring's Revolution in Science , or shortly Anti-Dühring , is one of Friedrich Engels first in 1877 continued, in the Forward published polemic against Eugen Dühring in collaboration with Karl Marx . It is counted among the most influential texts of Marxism .


The font was written from September 1876 to June 1878 and published in Vorwärts from January 3, 1877 to July 7, 1878. The first book edition appeared in Leipzig in 1877 and 1878, the second edition in Zurich in 1886 and the third reviewed and increased edition in 1894 in Stuttgart.

Originally written at Wilhelm Liebknecht's request in order to diminish the influence of Eugen Dühring , the anti-Dühring , written in polemical style, developed alongside the short version The Development of Socialism from Utopia to Science into the most widely read work by Marx and Engels. The importance of the anti-Dühring does not lie in its confrontation with Dühring, but in the exposition of the “communist worldview” (preface to the 2nd edition). Not only are the main features of Marxism presented, topics are also dealt with that have so far remained untouched.


The anti-Dühring plays an important role in the development of Marxism. Lenin called the Anti-Dühring together with the Communist Manifesto and the Ludwig Feuerbach and the outcome of classical German philosophy as the handbooks of every class-conscious worker. For Marxism-Leninism , in the Anti-Dühring the philosophical materialism was laid down in a controversial manner. Marx himself wrote a chapter of this book. Nevertheless, it is controversial within Western Marxism whether the script is an authentic representation of Marxian thought. On the one hand, a different weighting in the work of Marx and Engels is discussed, on the other hand, reference is made to the intention of the script and the resulting character.

In the foreword to Anti-Dühring in 1894 Engels wrote: “The" system "criticized here by Herr Dühring spreads over a very extensive theoretical area; I was compelled to follow him everywhere and to oppose his views with mine. The negative criticism thus became positive; the polemic turned into a more or less coherent account of the dialectical method and communist worldview advocated by Marx and myself, and this in a fairly comprehensive range of areas. "

Well-known quotes

“For the metaphysician, things and their thought images, the concepts, are isolated, one after the other and without the other to be considered, solid, rigid objects of investigation given once and for all. He thinks in lots of unmediated opposites: his speech is yes, yes, no, no, what is above it is evil. For him a thing either exists or it does not exist: a thing cannot be itself and another at the same time. Positive and negative are absolutely mutually exclusive; Cause and effect are also in stark contrast to one another. At first glance, this way of thinking seems extremely plausible to us because it is that of so-called common sense. "

- Introduction : Friedrich Engels

"And it became clear that all previous history was the history of class struggles, that these warring classes in society are always products of the relations of production and traffic"

- Introduction : Friedrich Engels

"Freedom does not lie in the dreamed of independence from the laws of nature, but in the knowledge of these laws and in the possibility of allowing them to work according to plan for specific purposes."

- First section, Chapter XI : Friedrich Engels

“The idea that the main political and state actions were the decisive factor in history is as old as the writing of history itself, and is the main reason why so little has been kept to us about the silent and silent performances in the background of these noisy performances really driving development of the peoples. "

- Second section, chapter II : Friedrich Engels

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. “Since the point of view developed here was founded and developed to a large extent by Marx, and only to a small extent by me, it was taken for granted that this presentation of mine was not made without his knowledge. I read the entire manuscript to him before it went to press, and the tenth chapter of the section on economics ("From Critical History") was written by Marx and, unfortunately, had to be shortened somewhat by me for external reasons. It has always been our custom to help each other out in special subjects. "Friedrich Engels: Foreword to Mr. Eugen Dühring's upheaval in science ('Anti-Dühring'), in: Marx / Engels: Werke, Volume 20, p. 9.
  2. See dedicatory copies from Friedrich Engels to Karl Marx November 1, 1877 and July 13, 1878 to Karl Marx. The first dedication is printed as a facsimile by Helmut Hirsch, Friedrich Engels, 1968, p. 85 and the second dedication in the auction catalog JA Stargardt on June 5 and 6, 2012.
  3. Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe, Division I, Volume 27, Berlin 1988, pp. 1081-1083.
  4. Theo Stammen , Gisela Riescher , Wilhelm Hofmann (ed.): Major works of political theory (= Kröner's pocket edition . Volume 379). Kröner, Stuttgart 1997, ISBN 3-520-37901-5 , pp. 137-140.
  5. “The clearest and most detailed of their views are in Engels works Ludwig Feuerbach and Anti-Dühring, which - like the Communist Manifesto - Manuals of every class conscious worker are. "