Antioch Baptist Church (Tyler)

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The Antioch Baptist Church is a Baptist church in the Texan city of Tyler . The building is about seven miles north of downtown across Interstate Highway 20 on County Road 313 in the rural Sand Flat community.


According to the Smith County Baptist Association records, the church was organized in 1851. Until a first house of worship was built in 1857, members held their services in their homes and in the local schoolhouse. Since the congregation did not have its own pastor, Sunday School classes and the Baptist Young People's Union met even when there was no preacher present. It was not until 1936 that the parish was assigned its own pastor.

The church building, which still exists today and was completed in 1939, was built during this time. In 1953 a teaching building was added to it.


  • Historical marker of the Texas Historical Commission (established 2001)