Antiochian Greeks

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As Antiochian Greeks are ethnic Greeks , either members of the Rum Orthodox Church of Antioch and the Greek Catholic called Christians, in Syria , the Lebanon , Palestine and Jordan have lived, as well as in the field of contemporary Turkish province of Hatay , the ancient city of Antioch or today's Antakya . Their descendants in the Middle East and in the Diaspora , especially America, are also given this name.

The Greek community in Antioch has a long tradition that goes back to the time the city was built in 323 BC. BC by Seleucus I , when Alexander the Great conquered Asia.

Current situation

A significant number of Antiochene Greeks in Turkey now live in Istanbul . In Hatay Province, they mainly focus on Antakya , İskenderun , Samandağ and Altınözü . There is also a church in Mersin . In 2005 a case of Muslim violence against the Antiochene Christian community in Altınözü was reported there. The events were allegedly triggered by the sexual harassment of a Christian girl by a Muslim apprentice hairdresser.

Important Antiochene Greeks

Individual evidence

  1. Taciz yüzünden cemaatler dövüştü