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Aqedis is a Nubian god.

Aqedis apparently only had local significance in Naqa . He is depicted on the side wall of the lion temple in Naqa, built by Natakamani, together with Apedemak , Horus and Amun . Its iconography is similar to that of Ptah . He also appears on the fragments of a kiosk found in the Temple of Tabo .


  • Dietrich Wildung , Karla Kroeper: Naga. Royal City of Ancient Sudan . State Museums in Berlin - Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation - Egyptian Museum and Papyrus Collection, Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-88609-558-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. Helen Jacquet-Gordon: The Meroitic Kiosk at Tabo. In: Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities. 32, 2005, ISSN  0383-9753 , pp. 95-104.