Workers policy

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Workers policy. The weekly journal for scientific socialism was the name of a journal that was published in Bremen from June 1916 to March 1919 with a circulation of up to 3,000 copies by Johann Knief .

This legal magazine was based on the collaboration of the Bremen left radicals . The magazine was financed by collections among Bremen workers and donations. It was spread mainly in northwest Germany , but then also in other centers of the German left. Via field post and vacationers, the magazine also found soldiers at the front and abroad.

In Switzerland z. B. Lenin to the recipients. The editorial team was managed by Knief until the spring of 1917. Other employees were Otto Rühle , Karl Radek , Anton Pannekoek , Paul Frölich u. a. The magazine oriented itself mainly against right-wing opportunist and centrist currents within the social democracy. So she turned against the affiliation of the Spartacus group to the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD) and called for the formation of an independent organization of the German left.

She also advocated “the initiation of the international union of socialist workers by continuing the work of Zimmerwald and Kiental”. From mid-1917, the concept of a unitary organization was advocated, which should take on both the tasks of a party and a trade union organization. This syndicalist concept found expression in the call for a boycott of the free trade unions .

The magazine welcomed and defended the October Revolution . In 1918, individual chapters from State and Revolution and from The Military Program of the Proletarian Revolution were published by Lenin.