Arda Green

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Arda Alden Green (born May 7, 1899 in Prospect , Pennsylvania , USA , † January 23, 1958 in New York ) was an American biochemist . One of the greatest scientific achievements of the specialist in protein crystallization was the discovery of the tissue hormone and neurotransmitter serotonin .


In 1921 she received her Artium Baccalaureus degree from the University of California, Berkeley . After a year of postgraduate studies in philosophy, Arda Green decided to start studying medicine. On the advice of her mentor Herbert M. Evans , who recognized her performance potential, she interrupted her medical studies after two years for a research stay at Harvard University Medical School with Edwin J. Cohn . Arda Green completed her medical degree as an MD in 1927 after two years at Johns Hopkins University . During this time, she published her first scientific work with Leonor Michaelis . In the following years she specialized increasingly in the crystallization of proteins . In this context, she was able to contribute to the elucidation of the function of the metabolic enzyme glycogen phosphorylase together with the later Nobel Prize winners for physiology or medicine Gerty Cori and Carl Ferdinand Cori . Her greatest scientific success was achieved in collaboration with Irvine Page . This includes in particular the discovery of serotonin in 1948. Together with Irvine Page and Merlin Bumpus , she succeeded in purifying and characterizing the components of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system that regulates blood pressure .

Arda Green died of breast cancer in January 1958 at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York . In 1958 she was posthumously awarded the Garvan Olin Medal .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Green AA, Weech AA, Michaelis L: Studies on permeability of membranes: VII. Conductivity of electrolytes within the membrane . In: J. Gen. Physiol. . 12, No. 3, January 1929, pp. 473-485. PMID 19872475 . PMC 2323725 (free full text).
  2. ^ Report MM, Green AA, Page IH: Serum vasoconstrictor, serotonin; isolation and characterization . In: J. Biol. Chem. . 176, No. 3, December 1948, pp. 1243-1251. PMID 18100415 .
  3. Green AA, Bumpus FM: The purification of hog renin substrate . In: J. Biol. Chem. . 210, No. 1, September 1954, pp. 281-286. PMID 13201589 .
  4. ^ Bumpus FM, Green AA, Page IH: Purification of angiotonin . In: J. Biol. Chem. . 210, No. 1, September 1954, pp. 287-294. PMID 13201590 .
