Arminio Janner

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Arminio Janner (born July 4, 1886 in Bellinzona ; † July 11, 1949 in Basel ) was a Swiss university professor and publicist .


Arminio Janner was the son of the teacher Antonio Janner.

He studied mathematics and philosophy and finished his studies with a doctorate .

He has taught since 1911 at the high school in Lugano and at the teacher training college in Locarno before 1916 lecturer at the University of Basel was. In 1931 he was given the chair of Italian literature and lectured until his death.

Arminio Janner was married. His son Antonino Janner later became the Swiss ambassador to Argentina and Italy .


From the beginning of the 1920s he published on the cultural and political relations between Ticino and Italy and published art and literary criticism .

In the numerous polemics between the so-called Helvetists and the Italy-friendly Lugano group, which referred to the Italian writer Giovan Battista Angioletti (1896–1961), he campaigned particularly for the Helvetists.


Arminio Janner was a member of numerous commissions and foundations.

Fonts (selection)

  • Adolf Hildebrand's and Conrad Fiedler's art theory . Locarno, 1912.
  • Arminio Janner; Edoardo Berta: Il metallo . Milano: U. Hoepli, 1912–1914.
  • Edoardo Berta; Arminio Janner: La pietra: camini e caminiere gotiche, del rinascimento e barocche . Milano: U. Hoepli, 1912.
  • Le positivisme et l'histoire de l'art . Genève: Sonor SA 1916.
  • Francesco Chiesa . Basel: Baur, 1916.
  • CF Meyer's Renaissance novels . Einsiedeln, 1925.
  • Pirandello novelliere . Roma, 1932.
  • Problemi del Rinascimento . Roma: La Nuova Antologia, 1933.
  • Individualism and Religiosity in the Renaissance . Halle (Saale): Niemeyer, 1935.
  • Oreficeria urana a Bosco Gurin . Zurich: Swiss National Museum, 1937.
  • Senso della Svizzera e problemi del Ticino . Bellinzona: Is. ed. ticinese, 1937.
  • Uomini e aspetti del Ticino . Bellinzona: Istituto editoriale ticinense, 1938.
  • Piero Bianconi ; Arminio Janner: Arte in Leventina . Bellinzona: Istituto editoriale ticinese, 1939.
  • Il pensiero politico svizzero: discorso pronunciato a Zurigo in occasione della Settimana Pedagogica . Bellinzona: Tipografia Leins e Vescovi, 1940.
  • La democrazia ed in ispecie quella svizzera, nell'attuale momento politico: due conferenze tenute al primo corso di educazione nazionale a Locarno, il 9 and 10 September 1940 . Bellinzona: La Scuola, 1941.
  • Eloquence e bontà di Giuseppe Motta . Locarno, 1942.
  • Il Castiglione e l'Ariosto a sostegno di Enrico Wölfflin . Basel: Schwabe, 1944.
  • Machiavelli giornalista politico . Basel: Book printer for the Basel report house, 1945.
  • Hermann Janner; Walter Laedrech: Ticino landscapes . Bern Haupt 1947.
  • Luigi Pirandello . Firenze: Nuova Italia, 1948.
  • Il pensiero storico di Jacopo Burckhardt . Roma: Cremonese, 1948.
