Arnd Stuke

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Arnd Stuke (other spellings of the name: Arnoldus , Arnold , Arnd Stüke , * around 1365) was next to Nikolaus Milies the most important captain of the early Vitalien brothers . He came from a Mecklenburg noble family residing near Schwerin . The family name goes back to the village of Stück. The seat of the family, the castle Kützin in Camin (near Wittenburg ), was established in 1349 as part of a Kriegszugs the Hanseatic city of Lübeck against noble peace breaker looped .


From 1380 his activity as captain of pirates off the coast of Livonia can be proven, from 1392 he appears as the leading head of the Vitalienbrüder. In a letter from the Livonian order master to the order procurator in Rome of October 12, 1392, Stuke is named as one of the capitanei der fratres victualium . Since then his name has appeared in various documents. Together with Nikolaus Milies, Stuke was instrumental in the capture of Bishop (1378-1401) Tord Gunnarsson von Strängnäs in the historic Swedish province of Närke , which occurred on the way to the negotiations of Vordingborg in 1392. In 1394 he was mentioned in a deed of foundation of the Stockholm fair .


Individual evidence

  1. a b Contributions to the history of the vitality brothers. In: Yearbooks of the Association for Mecklenburg History and Archeology (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania State Library). 1908, accessed December 15, 2016 .