Artists and Orphans: A True Drama

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Original title Artists and Orphans: A True Drama
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2001
length 44 minutes
Director Lianne Klapper-McNally
production Lianne Klapper-McNally
music Peter Fish
camera Richard David
Nodari Pilishvili
Howard Past
cut Ellen Goldwasser
Jonathan Kohen

Artists and Orphans: A True Drama is an American short documentary film from 2001. The film was nominated for “ Best Documentary Short ” at the 2002 Academy Awards.


A group of 40 American actors travels to Georgia for a theater festival . There they notice the bitter poverty in which the families live and learn that many families leave one or more children in orphanages because they have no money to feed the children. The group of actors then visits a state orphanage and comes to the conclusion that the Georgian government is to blame for the social grievances: Foreigners willing to adopt are not given any children in Georgia. Thus, by law, the government denies many children the chance of a safer and richer life. This is followed by an interview with the then President of Georgia, Eduard Shevardnadze and his wife Nanuli Zagareishvili-Shevardnadze . Shevardnadze denies in this interview that there are any orphans in Georgia.

The actors visit a teacher and a nun who are sheltering 116 orphans in an old, dilapidated hospital. The building has no electricity, heating or running water. As winter is approaching, when the children are in danger of freezing without a heater, the actors travel back to the USA as quickly as possible and organize a fundraising campaign. Within a few days, enough money and clothes are collected to get the 116 children safely through the winter.

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