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Astios , Latin form of the name Astius , († around 100) was a Christian martyr and saint . He lived in the time of Trajan and was bishop of the parish of Dyrrachion .

According to legend, Agricola, the Roman governor of the province of Epirus , had him imprisoned. By means of torture Astios was supposed to be forced to worship the god Dionysus . But he resisted and suffered the martyrdom on the cross . Peregrinus, Germanus, Lucian, Pompeius, Hesychius, Papius and Saturninus, who stood up for Astios, were also captured, chained, and thrown from a galley into the Adriatic.

Astios is especially venerated in the Orthodox Church . His feast day there is June 4th , in the Catholic Church it is July 7th .

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  • A. Bryer: Saint Asteios and the Amphitheater Chapel in Dyrrhachion , Θυμίαμα στη μνήμη της Λασκαρίνας Μπούρα, Athens 1994, pp. 41-45.
  • Robert Elsie: The Christian Saints of Albania , in: Balkanistica 13 (2000), pp. 35-57.
  • Cvetlan Grozdanov: Saint Astios de Dyrrachion dans le peinture du Moyen Âge , Αφιέρωμα στη μνήμη του Σωτήρη Kίσσα, Thessalonica 2001, pp. 79-89.