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Tepihu in hieroglyphics
D1 Q3 E1 O49

first of the cows /
head of the cattle

Greek Aphroditopolis

Atfih ( ancient Egyptian Tepihu ; Arabic أطفيح, DMG Aṭfīḥ ; Coptic Petpeh ) is a city in the Egyptian governorate of Al- Jiza with about 106,300 inhabitants.

Tepihu in ancient Egypt

Atfih (Egypt)
Qus / Qis
Qus / Qis

The place was first mentioned on a false door that is dated to the end of the Old Kingdom . At least since the Middle Kingdom , Tepihu was the main town of the Messergau ( 22nd Upper Egyptian Gau ). The place name is directly related to the main deity Hathor there . No remains of their temple have survived.

The ancient Egyptian king Kamose , who lived in the 16th century BC. Chr. After the death of his predecessor Seqenenre continued the fight against the Hyksos , reported on two steles and a writing board from his campaign. According to the inscriptions, Kamose conquered several territories in his third year of reign and advanced as far as Auaris . However, he only attacked the outskirts of the Hyksos capital in order to besiege Auaris in the following period.

Kamose intercepted a cry for help from Apopi I by arresting the messenger in Tepihu. Kamose stated that his sphere of influence would extend from Elephantine to the Tepihu- Memphis region during the Nile Delta occupation by the Hyksos .

See also


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rainer Hannig: Large Concise Dictionary Egyptian-German: (2800 - 950 BC) . von Zabern, Mainz 2006, ISBN 3-8053-1771-9 , p. 1202.

Coordinates: 29 ° 25 ′ 0 ″  N , 31 ° 15 ′ 0 ″  E