Ati George Sokomanu

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Ati George Sokomanu (originally George Kalkoa ) (born January 13, 1937 in Mele on Efate , Vanuatu ) is a politician and former President of Vanuatu.

After obtaining the independence of the previous British-French condominium , Sokomanu was the first president of Vanuatu from July 30, 1980 to February 17, 1984. After a brief transitional presidency from Frederick Karlomuana Timakata , he was again president from March 8, 1984 to January 12, 1989. At the end of the 1980s, he tried unsuccessfully to dissolve parliament in order to depose the then Prime Minister Walter Hadye Lini .

From January 6, 1993 to Jan 7, 1996 he was Secretary General of the South Pacific Commission, which later (1998) became the Secretariat of the Pacific Community .

2001 was a participant in the National Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu and worked as such for the establishment of peace initiatives in the Pacific . To promote these activities, he was also a participant in the first conference of these peace initiatives in Sydney in 2003 .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Keith Woodward: Tufala Gavman: Reminiscences from the Anglo-French Condominium of the New Hebrides . 2002, ISBN 978-982-02-0342-6 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).