August Sleeper

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August Schläfer (born August 4, 1902 in Iserlohn -Bremke, † March 8, 1967 in Karl-Marx-Stadt ) was a German professor and founding rector of the Karl-Marx-Stadt University of Mechanical Engineering .


August Schläfer was the son of a bricklayer . From 1916 to 1919 he trained as a locksmith and blacksmith in the Iserlohn nickel works, where he worked until 1922. At the same time, he completed numerous advanced training courses in preparation for his studies. From 1922 to 1925 he studied at the engineering school in Hildburghausen and finished his studies with a double degree as a mechanical and electrical engineer . Until 1928 he worked as a mechanical engineer in the machine factory and iron foundry in Brackwede , from 1929 to 1946 he was first a production engineer, then a senior manager and finally operations manager at the Germania machine factory in Chemnitz. In the following two years he was the technical director of the industrial administration 10, mechanical engineering, in Chemnitz with responsibility for restarting the mechanical engineering companies in Saxony after the Second World War .

Until 1952, Schläfer was the main director of the Association of Nationally Owned Enterprises Machine Tools and Tools - VVB WMW for the entire GDR . After he was special representative of the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering in the People's Republic of China in 1953 , he took over the provisional management of the Institute for Industrial Management with responsibility for the rebuilding of the Karl-Marx-Stadt University of Mechanical Engineering in the same year and until 1957. On February 1, 1956, he was awarded the academic title of professor , until 1959 he was rector magnificus and professor with teaching assignment in Karl-Marx-Stadt, until 1962 as head of the Institute for Business Administration . Until his retirement in 1967, Schläfer was professor and until 1966 dean of the Faculty of Technology.

Since 1946 Schläfer was a member of the Chamber of Technology and first chairman of the district executive committee, in 1959 he received the Patriotic Order of Merit in bronze, in 1962 in silver. The final resting place of Schläfer is in the Nikolaifriedhof in Chemnitz.


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