Spread clover

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Spread clover
Order : Fabales (Fabales)
Family : Legumes (Fabaceae)
Subfamily : Butterflies (Faboideae)
Genre : Clover ( trifolium )
Section : Trifolium
Type : Spread clover
Scientific name
Trifolium diffusum

Spread clover ( Trifolium diffusum ) is a species of plant from the genus clover ( Trifolium ). He is in the genus in the section Trifolium , subsection Trifolium asked.


Spread clover is an annual , herbaceous plant that reaches heights of between 20 and 50 centimeters. The stem axis is hairy and branched, often many stems are close together. It is ascending or upright.

The leaves are stalked. With the lower ones the petiole is about twice as long as the pinna, with the upper ones about as long. The leaves are three-pinned, the individual pinnacles between 2 and 3 inches long and 0.8 to 1.5 inches wide. The blades of the lower leaves are inversely ovate, those of the upper broadly elliptical with a narrowed base. The leaf margin is finely indented, at least in the upper part. The blades are hairy. The stipules are cuticle-like, lanceolate and with greenish veins. The free part of the stipules is shorter than the fused part and curved sickle-shaped.

The inflorescences are terminal and spherical. They measure about 3 centimeters in diameter and lengthen as the fruit ripens. The individual flowers are 0.8 to 1.4 inches long.

The calyx is tubular to bell-shaped and ten-nerved in the lower part. The calyx teeth are two to three times longer than the calyx tube and curved sickle-shaped. They are thorny with a 3-annulus triangular base. The tip is blunt. The calyx tube is long hairy, with a hair ring at the opening.

The crown is purple to pink in color and about as long as the calyx. The flag is eyed at the base. The wings are pointed.

The legumes are cuticle-like with a very thin pericarp . You are one or two seeded. In these extremely reduced pods, the seam is missing, and so the fruit can no longer tear, but divides transversely or irregularly. The seeds measure between 1.1 and 1.5 millimeters and are yellowish-reddish in color. They are spherical and rough.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 16.


The distribution area of ​​the outstretched clover includes most of southern and central Europe, Turkey and the Caucasus.

Spread clover grows in forests and clearings, as well as on pastures.


Spread clover is self-pollinating .


  • Michael Zohary, David Heller: The Genus Trifolium . The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities , Jerusalem 1984, ISBN 978-965-208-056-1 , pp. 367 f .
  • John M. Gillett, Norman L. Taylor, M. Gillett: The World of Clovers . Iowa State University Press , Ames 2001, ISBN 978-0-8138-2986-9 , pp. 138 f .

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