Wilhelm Heinz Schröder

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Wilhelm Heinz Schröder (born May 24, 1946 in Mellrichstadt ) is a German historian . He teaches and researches as a professor of modern history at the University of Cologne .


Wilhelm Heinz Schröder studied history and German literature and graduated in 1971 with the state examination. In 1976 the doctorate at the University of Cologne in the subject of history and in 1986 the habilitation at the TU Berlin in the subject of modern history. As a private lecturer, he initially worked at the Technical University of Berlin , then from 1993 at the University of Cologne, where he represented the field of modern history with a special focus on historical social research. In 1996 he was appointed adjunct professor. He held teaching positions at the universities of Berlin ( Humboldt University Berlin ), Bielefeld , Dortmund , Hamburg , Linz and Salzburg .

In 1987 Schröder became head of the scientific department of the Center for Historical Social Research in the data archive for social sciences at GESIS - Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences or in the Leibniz Association . Since 1986 he has acted as managing editor of the journal Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) and was head of the national graduate summer school ZHSF method seminar from 1980 to 2010.

Schröder is a member of numerous scientific committees, including the president of the international QUANTUM working group and spokesman for the general assembly of the Leibniz Center for Contemporary History Research in Potsdam. A central research project of Schröder was the investigation of social democratic parliamentarians between 1867 and 1933. In this context he developed, among other things, the collective biography as a research method .

In the parliamentarians' portal BIOPARL, Schröder has brought together all the databases from various biographical projects he has led: Social democratic parliamentarians in the German Reich and Landtag 1867–1933 (BIOSOP); Social Democratic member of the Reichstag and candidate for the Reichstag 1898–1918 (BIOKAND); Member of the German Reichstag 1867–1918 (BIORAB, Part 2: Kaiserreich); Member of the German Reichstag 1919–1933 (BIORAB, Part 3: Weimar Republic) as well as Member of the German Bundestag 1949–2006 (BUMAST) and Member of the 10th People's Chamber of the GDR 1990 (VOLKPARL).

Wilhelm Heinz Schröder lives in Frechen . There he is particularly active in politics , for example as a city ​​councilor for the SPD , and in culture (including at the theater as a director ).

Fonts (selection)

  • Social democratic member of the Reichstag and candidate for the Reichstag 1898–1918. Biographical-statistical handbook (= handbooks on the history of parliamentarism and political parties. Vol. 2). Droste, Düsseldorf 1986, ISBN 3-7700-5135-1 .


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