Bach Association Cologne

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Bach Association Cologne
Seat: Cologne / Germany
Carrier: Bach Association Cologne
Founding: 1931
Genus: mixed choir
Founder: Heinrich Boell
Head : Thomas Neuhoff
Voices : SATB
Website :

The Cologne Bach Society was founded in 1931 by the organist and church musician Heinrich Boell . Since his early days he has appeared as a concert organizer with a subscription series that has been in great demand for many years, with his choir always being the focus of the association's work. Among the ensembles that worked with the Cologne Bach Society are: a. the Hilliard Ensemble , the Monteverdi Choir and the English Baroque Soloists under John Eliot Gardiner and the orchestra The English Concert with Trevor Pinnock . After a reform of the association in 1999, its work today mainly focuses on the concerts of the association's own choir.

The choir of the Cologne Bach Association performed regularly in Cologne's Gürzenich until 1986 , and since the opening of the Cologne Philharmonic primarily there as well as in numerous Cologne churches such as St. Maria im Kapitol . The focus of the artistic work is on Johann Sebastian Bach's choral music , without neglecting works from the Renaissance to the present day. Since the Bonn church musician and conductor Thomas Neuhoff took over the artistic direction , the Cologne Bach Association has again significantly expanded its presence in Cologne's musical life with around five concerts per season and is now one of Cologne's leading concert choirs. A new focus of the association since 2004 has been the continuous maintenance of so-called student projects aimed at children and young people: Neuhoff works with them in their schools over several months to develop children's operas and accompanying programs for concerts, often with a political and / or contemporary background.

Artistic director

The Cologne Bach Society is a member of the Cologne Choir Network .