Bach Choir St. Lorenz Nuremberg

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Bach Choir St. Lorenz Nuremberg
Nuremberg St. Lorenz Towers Totale.jpg
Seat: Nuremberg / Germany
Carrier: Parish of St. Lorenz
Founding: 1923
Genus: Oratorio choir, church choir
Founder: Walther Körner
Head : Matthias Ank
Voices : approx. 140 ( SATB )
Website :

The Bachchor St. Lorenz Nürnberg is the church choir of the Nuremberg Lorenzkirche . He also appears as a concert choir.


The Bach Choir is a mixed amateur choir with currently around 130 members.

History / Cantors

The choir director, KMD Matthias Ank

The choir was founded in 1923 by Lorenz Cantor Walther Körner. He was in charge of the choir until 1962, when he handed over his office to Hermann Harrassowitz . His successor, church music director Matthias Ank , has been choirmaster since 1996.


The choir is dedicated to sacred music from all eras. In addition to regularly participating in church services in St. Lorenz, he organizes two to three concerts a year.

In recent years u. a. The following works are performed: The composition “Song of Terezin” by Franz Waxman (a song cycle about texts by children from the Theresienstadt concentration camp ), the “ Ascension Oratorio ” by Johann Sebastian Bach and the Dettinger Te Deum by Georg Friedrich Handel .

Concert tours regularly take the choir abroad, e.g. B. in 2007 to Estonia , in 2008 to Rome and most recently in 2012 to Upper Austria .

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