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Age : Middle Upper Paleolithic
Absolutely : 19,000 - 17,000 BP

France. Cantabria

Robust burins, drills, scrapers, chunky bone tools

The Badegoulien is an archaeological cultural stage of the late or upper Upper Palaeolithic . It is essentially limited to the south-west of France and Cantabria .

Type locality and distribution area

The eponymous reference (2017)
Wisent engravings from the Les Jamblancs site near Bourniquel

The Badegoulien was named after the three abrises of Badegoule in the commune of Le Lardin-Saint-Lazare in the Dordogne department . Its distribution area is mainly the south-west of France and the north-west of Spain (Cantabria), but it also occurs on the Spanish Mediterranean coast ( Parpalló cave near Valencia ), and it occurs occasionally in the Languedoc-Roussillon region . It finally extends over the Auvergne to Switzerland and Germany .




The Badegoulien immediately follows the Solutréen (or overlaps with it in time). With him the Magdalenian begins . The Badegoulien began around 19,000 years ago BP and lasted until around 17,000 years BP.

Dating using the C 14 method in the Kastelhöhle resulted in the ages of 18 530 +/- 150 BP, 19 200 +/- 150 BP and 19 620 +/- 140 BP - generally somewhat older than comparable horizons in France.


Usually the Badegoulien is equated with the Lower Magdalenian 0, I and II ( French Magdalenian ancien ). Nevertheless, many scientific authors are now of the opinion that the Badegoulien represents its own, independent cultural stage, which differs significantly from the Lower Magdalenian in its stone artefacts and tools. The Badegoulien is more likely to be a further development of the outgoing Solutréen ( Solutréen final ).

The culture level is characterized by the following characteristics:

  • Blade blades and smaller blade blades with backs are very rare.
  • The predominance of flakes that were used as scratches characteristic of Badegoulien - a kind of scraper - (French: raclette ).
  • Appearance of very robust burins .
  • Different types of drill bits .
  • The tip of the spear is simply chamfered and has lance-shaped engravings.
  • The tools made from bone are bulky.
  • The reindeer bones were processed with an outdated cutting technique, which no longer occurs in Magdalenian.

Different facies

Recent studies have shown a geographical differentiation in different facies within the Badegoulien:

  • Aquitaine facies , again subdivided into one:
    • older facies with serrated blades, scrapers and retouched blades.
    • younger facies with predominantly many scratches.
  • Cantabrian facies with notched and serrated blades, scratches, burins, beak-shaped burins, drills and retouched blades.
  • Mediterranean facies with scrapers, retouched blades and seemingly archaic tools.

Climate history

The Badegoulien begins in a cold climatic section after the cold maximum of the Würm Ice Age and ends in the Lascaux-Interstadial , which marks a warmer and more humid section in southern France .

Individual evidence

  1. Cheynier, A .: Le Magdalénien primitif de Badegoule et les niveaux à raclette . In: Bull. Soc. Prehist. Ms. Band 36 , 1939, pp. 334-396 .
  2. ^ Bazile, F .: Le Magdalenien ancien de Camparnaud à Vers-Pont-du-Gard . In: Bull. Soc. Etud. Sc. Nat. tape 55 . Nimes 1977, p. 47-64 .
  3. Morala, A .: Technologie lithique du Magdalenien ancien de l'abri Casserole (Les Eyzies de Tayac, Dordogne). Results préliminaires: Schémas de production des supports pour les niveaux 6, 5 et 4 . In: Paléo, 5 . 1993, p. 193-208 .
  4. ^ Trotignon, F .: Etudes sur l'abri Fritsch. 19 ° suppl. à Gallia Préhistoire, CNRS . 1984, p. 122 p .
  5. ^ Bordes, F .: Nouvelles fouilles à Laugerie-Haute Est: premiers résultats . In: L'Anthropologie . tape 62 (3-4) , 1958, pp. 205-244 .
  6. ^ Allard, M .: Les Peyrugues. Report de fouilles de la campagne 1995. DRAC Midi-Pyrénées . 1995.
  7. Seronie-Vivien, MR et alii: La Grotte de Pégourié. Caniac du Causse (Lot) . In: Préhistoire Quercinoise, suppl. 2 . 1995.
  8. Bayle de Hermens, R. de: Le Magdalenien ancien de la couche F2 de la grotte du Rond du Barry . In: L'Anthropologie . tape 78 (1) , 1974, pp. 16-37 .
  9. ^ Cabrera-Valdes, V .: El yacimiento de la Cueva del Castillo (Puente Viesgo, Santander). Bibliotheca Praehistorica Hispaña, 22 . Madrid 1984.
  10. ^ Straus, LG and Clark, GA ed .: La Riera Cave. Stone Age Hunter-Gatherer adaptations in Northern Spain . In: Anthropological Papers Research, 36, Arizona State University . Tempe 1986.
  11. Corchon-Rodriguez, MS: La Cueva de Las Caldas (Priorio Oviedo). Investigaciones efectuadas entre 1991 y 1994. Excavaciones Arqueologicas en Asturias, 3 . 1995, p. 45-60 .
  12. ^ Aura-Tortosa, JE: El Magdaleniense Mediterráneo: La Cova del Parpalló (Gandia, Valencia). Diputación Provincial de Valencia, Servicio de Investigación Prehistórica, Serie de Trabajos Varios, 91 . Valencia 1995.
  13. Gonzales-Echegaray, J. and Barandiaran-Maetzu, I .: El Paleolítico superior de la Cueva del Rascaño (Santander). Centro de Investigaciones y Museo de Altamira, 3 . Santander 1981.
  14. Bosselin, B .: Le Badegoulien en Europe sud-occidentale: faciès régionaux, paléo-environnements et filiations. 3 ° Congresso de Arqueologia Peninsular, Vila-Real, September 1999 . vol. 2: "Paleolítico da Península Ibérica". Ed. ADECAP, Porto 2000, pp. 363-401 .


  • J. Allain: Speaking of Badegoulien: méthode et typologie . In: Bull. Soc. Prehist. Fr. t. 65 (2), 1968, pp. 36-38 .
  • B. Bosselin, F. Djindjian: Un essai de structuration du Magdalénien français à partir de l'outillage lithique . In: Bull. Soc. Prehist. Ms. Band 85 (10-12) , 1988, pp. 304-331 .
  • B. & G. Delluc, A. Roussot, J. Roussot-Larroque: Connaître la préhistoire en Périgord . Éditions SUD-OUEST, 1990, ISBN 2-87901-048-9 .
  • E. Vignard: Le Badegoulien . In: Bull. Soc. Prehist. Fr . t. 62 (8), 1965, pp. CCLXII-CCLXIII .