Bahamas leaks

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Bahamas leaks
Timeframe 1990 to 2016
publication September 21, 2016
Extent of the original data 38 gigabytes
175888 shell companies
Key media Süddeutsche Zeitung
subjects Tax offense letter box company

As Bahamas Leaks are confidential documents of the Bahamian company register referred to as a result of data leakage came on 21 September 2016 the public. They contain information on 175,888 letterbox companies and foundations that were established between 1990 and 2016.

The revelations revealed that Neelie Kroes , Amber Rudd , William Francis Morneau , Carlos Caballero Argáez , Manuel Domingos Vicente , Hamad ibn Jasim ibn Jabir Al Thani , Süchbaataryn Batbold and Georg Freiherr von Waldenfels owned a mailbox company in the Bahamas.

Susanne Klatten , Stefan Quandt and sports legends around Uwe Seeler had reported companies in the Caribbean tax haven since the 1980s. This emerges from the documents that SPIEGEL has. Accordingly, in addition to the Seeler couple, the former Bremen national soccer player Max Lorenz , the former Olympic decathlon champion Willi Holdorf and other shareholders based in Germany owned the Triton Company (1980), which is still registered in the City of Freeport.

Individual evidence

  1. Frederik Obermaier , Bastian Obermayer and Vanessa Wormer : Bahamas Leaks show: Politicians use island states as tax havens. In: Sü September 21, 2016. Retrieved September 21, 2016 .
  2. These politicians appear in the Bahamas Leaks , September 22, 2016
  3. Malte Born, Rafael Buschmann, Roman Höfner a. a .: The secret companies of German celebrities in the Bahamas. MIRROR ( S + ). May 22, 2020 (accessed May 24, 2020)