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Fortress in Butschatsch , ruins of the bastion

The bastion ( Italian bastia ) is the outer part of a fortress , a military fortification.

Bastei stands for:

  • a roundabout , which was shaped by the fortification tract , written by Albrecht Dürer in 1527, to build up / fortify the Stett / Schlosz / vnd spots .
  • Colloquially, especially in Austria, the bastion is often used as a synonym for the bastion .
  • In today's jargon for Burgenkunde and fortification, a bastion called a usually consists of a Wallmauer ( curtine forth jumping) bulwark with straight, tapered edge walls and an expiring in a bow front, as was typical in the artillery before time. In contrast to the more modern bastion (the artillery era), the bastion has no point facing the enemy and thus has a blind spot . In contrast to a roundabout, the flank walls are straight and not arched.

Examples of bastions (modern definition):

See also
