Pawn sacrifice

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Chess piece - White pawn.JPG

In chess, pawn sacrifice is the voluntary surrender of a pawn with the aim of gaining another equivalent or an advantage. Motives for this are, for example, opening lines or diagonals, destroying favorable opposing pawn structures , tearing open the opposing king position or clearing the field (which makes the game clearer and usually accelerates it). In defensive play , the reduction of an inevitable disadvantage can also be the reason for a pawn sacrifice if there is a risk of losing a stone and capturing one's own piece by the opponent can only be prevented by giving up a pawn. Since in chess the overweight of a pawn can represent a decisive advantage in the game, a pawn sacrifice is only rational if the advantage achieved (the compensation ) is sufficiently high.

In the opening phase , pawn sacrifices, and more rarely piece sacrifices, which are aimed at development advantage or attack, are referred to as gambits .


In general, the term is often used in a figurative sense when something (actually or allegedly) subordinate is sacrificed in order to maintain or strengthen something (actually or allegedly) of higher value. For example, this can be used to describe a person who does not get a chance in negotiations about appointments because their supporters see this as a necessary concession to the opponent (s). Also used the term in cases where high-ranking officials, often responsible for a (real or perceived) grievance is politicians attributed and then led the officers a senior subordinates to resign, he dismisses him or in the (interim) retirement offset , instead of resigning himself (example: State Secretary instead of Minister; General instead of Defense Minister).

Benjamin Lahusen introduced the term “pawn reference” as a type of plagiarism in 2005 : “A small part is marked as the result of external intellectual activity, so that self-authorship [...] with regard to the rest of the text becomes all the more plausible.” This term played an important role for Example in the discussion about Annette Schavan's dissertation and the judgment of the Darmstadt Administrative Court (April 14, 2011) in the proceedings against a university professor in which she appealed against allegations of plagiarism and the revocation of her doctorate .

The term pawn sacrifice can mean overlapping with horse trading or scapegoat ; Like this one, it has a negative connotation, since the accusation of dishonesty resonates when a higher-ranking person plays out his power or when the superior violates his duty of care.


Single receipts

  1. Lahusen, Benjamin (2006): Golden Times. Comments on Hans-Peter Schwintowski, Juristic Methodology, UTB basics Law and Economy 2005, In Kritische Justiz , 39 (4), pp. 398–417, here p. 405 [1] .
  2. from: Documentation of the plagiarism .
  3. Press release on the judgment of the Darmstadt Administrative Court of April 14, 2011 .