Belgian UFO wave

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UFO event: Belgian UFO wave
Country: Belgium
Place: u. a. Brussels
Date: 1989 to 1992
Object: u. a. black triangles
Hynek classification : RV, CE-1

The Belgian UFO wave describes an accumulation of UFO sightings in Belgium that lasted from November 1989 to 1992.


The Belgian UFO wave reached its peak on the night of March 30th to 31st, 1990. According to a report by the British tabloid Sunday Express from 1995, unknown objects in flight were recorded on radar , photographed and observed by around 13,500 people that night . 2,600 of these witnesses had submitted written observations, a quarter of them were examined, the majority remained without explanation. Following the events, the Belgian Air Force published a detailed report on the events. The lights observed appeared to be at the tips of an isosceles triangle. Two F-16 fighter jets from Beauvechain military airfield were dispatched to investigate the phenomenon. During their 65-minute observation, the pilots took 15 photos. Once the target accelerated its speed from 240 km / h to 1770 km / h within two seconds, changing its altitude from about 2700 to about 1500 m in the same time.

The Daily Telegraph also reported on the phenomenon in 2009, referring to a report by a General Wilfried de Brouwer that the radar detection of the objects was confirmed by F-16.


In April 1990 a supposed picture of the flying objects became known. The picture is one of the most famous UFO pictures to this day. It was created at around 10 p.m. on April 4, 1990 in the village of Petit-Rechain near Eupen , just four days after the UFO hunt over Belgium with F-16 fighter aircraft generated a lot of media attention. The existence of only one photo was explained by the fact that only two photos fit on the slide film , of which only one could capture the object. This slide came into the hands of SOBEPS and was digitized for image analysis .


In 2011, a person went public with the confession of having created a photomontage using styrofoam and suspended spotlights.

Attempts to explain

According to the ufologist Renaud Leclet, some of the sightings could be explained by the use of military helicopters . Also CENAP does not rule out military and civilian flight activity as cause and further performs seemingly rapid change of position of the objects on radar interference due to meteorological effects back. The radar observations are also in no way correlated with the UFO observations by eyewitnesses.

Other skeptics , such as Jean-Michel Abrassart, see the multitude of sightings as a self-reinforcing psychological process. Triggered by media reports of two police officers sighting UFOs, people attached greater importance to unusual observations in the night sky than they normally would. The reports encouraged them to interpret their observations as UFOs and report the sighting. In addition, according to, there was a strong geographical delimitation of the viewing entrances - there were particularly many sightings where the media reported particularly frequently about reported UFOs, which speaks for a strong influence from media reports.


  • SOBEPS: UFO wave over Belgium . Two thousand and one 1994, ISBN 3861500086 .
  • Wilfried De Brouwer: The UAP Wave over Belgium. , Pp. 24-40; in: Leslie Kean: UFOs-Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record . Harmony Books, New York 2010, ISBN 978-0307716842 .
  • John van Waterschoot: Ufo's boven België . Lannoo 1997.

Skeptical considerations

Individual evidence

  1. a b Renaud Leclet: The Belgian UFO-wave of 1989-1992 (PDF; 1.9 MB) .
  2. ^ SUNDAY EXPRESS Newspaper, September 17, 1995 . Retrieved March 21, 2008.
  3. The Telegraph, August 17, 2009: UFO files: Belgian fighters scrambled to investigate UFOs . Retrieved April 29, 2013.
  4. Ricki Stern, Annie Sundberg: The secret UFO files. Visit from space. (Original title: Secret Access. UFOs On The Record.) , The History Channel by A&E Television Network, German first broadcast: June 2, 2012 (Original English: August 25, 2011), 0:55:08 - 1:17:39, Translation: Headroomatelier
  5. Samuel Ledoux, Joselin Fedunspi: Mea culpa de l'auteur de la photo d'ovni truquée de Petit Rechain. In: Le Journal - Le 19 Heures , RTL-TV1 (Belgium), June 26, 2011, French; Contribution with German subtitles . Retrieved July 13, 2013
  6. BRF Online , July 27, 2011: The UFO that wasn't one: Sighting in Verviers was a joke . Retrieved September 10, 2013.
  7. Belgium: A sky full of Easter UFOs. CENAP, accessed April 29, 2013 .
  8. JM Abrassart, 2010: The beginning of the Belgian UFO wave (PDF; 2.0 MB) p. 21 ff .. Retrieved on April 29, 2013.
  9. ^ Belgium wave. Retrieved October 26, 2018 (German).