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The Belt Sea and its straits

The Belt Sea is part of the western Baltic Sea and connects the North Sea , more precisely the Kattegat , which in some respects is part of the Baltic Sea , with the rest of the Baltic Sea. Their water depth is up to 25 meters.

The Beltsee includes the Öresund , the Little and Great Belt , the Kiel Bay , Fehmarn Belt , Fehmarnsund and Mecklenburg Bay .

The Beltsee finds its eastern boundary in the Darßer Schwelle (between Darß and Falster ) and the Drogden Schwelle (between Malmö and Copenhagen ). It is a hydrographic interface that separates the Kattegat salt water with a salt content of around 2.0–2.6 percent from the brackish water of the Baltic Sea with a salt content of around 0.6–1.2 percent.

In contrast to large parts of the southern Baltic Sea, the Belt Sea region was until around 7000 BC. BC largely dry land and was only flooded in the course of the Littorina transgression .


  • Wolf Tietze (ed.): Westermann-Lexikon der Geographie , Vol. 1, Braunschweig 1968, p. 399.
  • Theodor Hurtig : Questions about the genesis of the natural spatial large units of the Baltic Sea region , in: Erdkunde 20 (1966), pp. 287–298.