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The Berberologie is the science of the languages, cultures and the history of the Berbers . Geographically, it deals with the area of ​​western North Africa, specifically the states of Algeria , Morocco , Tunisia and also Niger and Mali .

Berberology is closely linked to Islamic studies and Arabic studies , since since the Islamic expansion in the 7th and 8th centuries a large part of the Berbers have been of the Muslim faith and the Berber languages and Arabic have a strong influence on each other due to their spatial proximity. Even if Berberology can currently only be studied at the University of Bayreuth as part of an African Studies course in German-speaking countries , it is currently increasing in importance, as the Berber languages ​​are gaining importance in their countries of origin (both Morocco and Algeria were in the last 20 years with Arabic and Moroccan Tamazight and Kabyle bilingual), and on the other hand, due to emigration, ever larger communities of Berbers are emerging in Europe.


  • Harry Stroomer (Ed.): Berber Studies. (Series) Rüdiger Köppe, Cologne.