Berthold Maurenbrecher

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Berthold Maurenbrecher (born June 15, 1868 in Dorpat ; † December 2, 1943 Munich ) was a German classical philologist .


Maurenbrecher comes from the old Düsseldorf postmaster family of the Maurenbrecher . He was the oldest son of the historian Wilhelm Maurenbrecher . His brothers are the theologian and publicist Max Heinrich Maurenbrecher and the actors Wilhelm Mauren and Otto Maurenbrecher .

Maurenbrecher is today a person known almost only in ancient history and ancient philological circles. He is far behind his father in terms of fame. His brother Max Maurenbrecher , who was a theologian and political publicist, is also better known . The fact that he is not very well known today, except in specialist circles, if he ever was, says nothing about Maurenbrecher's real importance for the development of the science he represents .

Maurenbrecher went to school in Königsberg , Bonn and Leipzig . He passed his Abitur in 1887 at the Thomas School in Leipzig . He then studied history and ancient philology (Bonn and Leipzig). In 1891 he received his doctorate in Leipzig and completed his habilitation in Halle in 1894 .

From 1906 he worked for the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae . In 1913 Maurenbrecher became an associate professor at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich . He published works on Sallust ( Historiarum reliquiae ) and on the history of the Latin language. As a longtime SPD member and supporter of the Weimar Republic, he was removed from office by the National Socialists in 1934.

Fonts (selection)

  • Parerga on the history of Latin language and the thesaurus . - Leipzig-Berlin 1916.
  • Research on Latin language history and metrics . - Leipzig 1899. (Reprint 1976)
  • C. Sallustii Crispi Historiarum Libri reliquiae, 2 full., C. comm. - Leipzig 1891–1893 (reprint 1967).
  • Carminum Saliarium reliquae . - ed. B. Maurenbrecher, Leipzig 1894.
  • Berthold Maurenbrecher / Reinhold Wagner: Basics of classical philology. Basic features of classical philology . - Vol. 1. Vol. 2, Section 1. Vol. 3, Section 1 (no other volumes published), Stuttgart 1908-11.


Individual evidence

  1. Richard Sachse , Karl Ramshorn, Reinhart Herz: The teachers of the Thomasschule in Leipzig 1832-1912. The high school graduates of the Thomas School in Leipzig 1845–1912. BG Teubner Verlag, Leipzig 1912, p. 77.
  2. Entry on Berthold Maurenbrecher in the Catalogus Professorum Halensis (accessed on May 23, 2014)
  3. ^ The University of Munich in the Third Reich: Essays. Part 1