Vocation ministry

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Vocation ministry is pastoral activity ( Pastoral ) a Christian usually religious community , with the aim of a common vocation awareness to awaken (vocation to be human), to volunteer services in the community to motivate (call to be a Christian) and in Discovery of the vocation to help in a path as a priest or in the consecrated life . In this sense, vocational pastoral care is related to all other dimensions of pastoral care: family pastoral care , culture, liturgy and sacraments , catechesis and the path of faith in the catechumenate . Above all, however, it is seen as a connecting perspective in church youth work .

The Catholic Church and many religious orders have appointed appointment officers and set up centers for appointment pastoral care.

Rogamus Foundation

In 2017, the Rogamus Foundation was set up in the Archdiocese of Cologne , whose task is to promote vocational pastoral care in the Catholic Church. The foundation established by Archbishop [Rainer Maria Woelki] looks after a Rogamus prayer community for spiritual vocations in the Archdiocese of Cologne and beyond, which has existed since 1999.

Trailblazer magazine

From April 1953 the Salvatorian Father Paschalis Schmid published a quarterly publication entitled Priestersamstag on the promotion of vocational pastoral care, aimed at young people in search of their spiritual vocation as well as at the members of the Pontifical Work for Spiritual Professions . In 1957 the magazine had a circulation of 93,000 copies. In 1967, the practice-oriented magazine, still supported by the Salvatorian Order, was renamed Wegbereiter . The decline in the target group and the discontinuation of financial support by the German dioceses led to the 59th year of the magazine being discontinued at the end of 2012. The full title was most recently: Wegbereiter - Magazine for Professions of the Church. Religious quarterly publication to awaken and promote church professions, founded by P. Paschalis Schmid SDS, the initiator of the monthly prayer day for spiritual professions .


  • Barbara Albrecht: Called to testify. Religious life and vocational pastoral work from the perspective of Pope John Paul II. Patris-Verlag, Vallendar 1988, ISBN 3-87620-136-5 .
  • Herbert Alphonso: The personal calling. Profound transformation through the spiritual exercises . Vier-Türme-Verlag, Münsterschwarzach 2002, 5th edition, ISBN 3-87868-469-X .
  • Ulrich Feeser-Lichterfeld: Appointment. A practical-theological study for the revitalization of a basic pastoral dimension . Lit, Münster 2005, ISBN 3-8258-8526-7 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Pontifical Work for Spiritual Professions : Final Document In Verbo tuo of the European Congress of May 1997 on Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life in Europe, No. 26.
  2. Cardinal Woelki founds a foundation for vocational pastoral care. In: DOMRADIO.DE. January 6, 2018, accessed May 14, 2020 .
  3. About rogamus. Retrieved May 14, 2020 .
  4. ^ Leonhard Berchtold SDS: The selfless service of the Salvatorians. A personal word from the Provincial of the Salvatorians in Germany to end the trailblazer . Wegbereiter, Issue 4/2012, pp. 2-3.