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Classification according to ICD-10
J63 Pneumoconiosis due to other inorganic dusts
J63.2 Berylliosis
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

As berylliosis the poisoning of the will organism with the metal beryllium referred beryllium or substances. It belongs to the group of malignant pneumoconioses (dust lungs).


Beryllium exposure occurs in workers in industries that process beryllium (e.g. aircraft construction, dental laboratories , nuclear power plants ) through inhalation of dust containing beryllium.

It was described in 1946 using cases from the fluorescent lamp industry, which at that time partially used beryllium.

to form

Acute berylliosis

Inhaling high doses of beryllium acutely leads to the development of pneumonitis .

Chronic berylliosis

Chronic beryllium disease occurs after long-term inhalation of low doses. The pathogenesis is based on the development of an allergy with sensitization of T helper cells .

Epithelial cell granulomas are formed in the lungs and the adjacent lymph nodes . Granulomas induced by beryllium are rarely found in the spleen , liver and adrenal gland . In the further course there is a fibrosis of granulomatous disease.

In the X-ray image of the chest is irregular, nodular changes of the lungs show. In about half of the cases, the lymph nodes on the lung hilus are affected .

Affected patients suffer from uncharacteristic symptoms such as shortness of breath , coughing, weight loss and joint pain .


The suspicion of berylliasis arises from the constellation of symptoms and clinical findings. For a reliable diagnosis, exposure or the possibility of exposure must be proven in the anamnesis . Epithelial cell granulomas are found in the lung biopsy . An allergy test shows sensitization to beryllium.

Sarcoid , which has very similar symptoms and findings, is very difficult to distinguish from chronic berylliasis in a differential diagnosis .

Individual evidence

  1. HL Hardy, IR Tabershaw: Delayed chemical pneumonitis occurring in workers exposed to beryllium compounds, J. Indus. Hyg. Toxicol., Vol. 28, 1946, pp. 197-211
  2. ^ RL Naeye: Immunologic aspects of chronic berylliosis . In: CHEST . tape 63 , no. 3 , March 1973, p. 306-307 , PMID 4540228 .


  • M. Rossman: Chronic beryllium disease: diagnosis and management , Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 104, Suppl. 5, 1996, pp. 945-947. PMID 8933039

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